Recent content by m&ss2008

  1. M

    Police stave off pedophile 'lynch mob'

    i know if i had kids i wouldnt want him living in my neighborhood. people like that should live in shame forever
  2. M

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI are you aiming for? i only need 72 for my course (including bonus points) but i'd still like to get over 90 to increase my chances of a scholarship
  3. M

    does ANYBODY enjoy their text for english?

    im really enjoying Yeat's poetry. not as bad as I first thought. but Emma and On Giants Shoulders but me to sleep
  4. M

    Rawr- Show me your estimation skills

    i reckon more than 80s Maybe be top 15 or 10 in maths top 10 in EngX1 top 7 for eco for quite good results. but so far not too bad. you could always ask your principal/year advisor for a rough estimate. they'd be able to look at past averages and combine it with your current marks
  5. M

    can i slackoff?

    slack off a little, cuz its year 10. but dont stop completely, that would be stupid. enjoy this year but still focus on your learning
  6. M

    Rawr- Show me your estimation skills

    agreed, especially if you can bump your 2 unit maths rank up a bit. that would certainly help
  7. M

    Reasons for English? Compulsory?

    thanks tommy, thats the joke.:hammer:
  8. M

    sexiest albums ever

  9. M

    School Cert and HSC

    year 10 was a really good year. no study, no effort, great marks:uhhuh:
  10. M

    School Cert and HSC

    i have never ever heard that. and its not true, the marks for your HSC/UAI come from your internal assessments in year 12 and the HSC exams.
  11. M

    Premium Members.

    very spiffy
  12. M

    Debt to equity ratio?

    total liabilities over owner's equity. think of it as external liabitities/owner's equity. makes it easier sometimes
  13. M

    About Advanced English Prelim...

    this year is the start of the new area of study right? maybe as time progresses there might be more
  14. M

    Reasons for English? Compulsory?

    where the OP also asked why english should be compulsary. that is why