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  1. epicFAILx

    UWSCollege Diploma of Science (Reccomended textbooks? etc)

    Just curious if there are any specific textbooks or material needed to be purchased if doing Diploma of science? thanks in advance
  2. epicFAILx

    Transferring from UWS to USYD

    I am going to start one of my degrees in UWS this year. And I wonder after I have completed the degree (in 2016) am I able to transfer to USYD to do another degree? Is it possible? Is it wise? How do I do it? Please help.
  3. epicFAILx

    Early Offer (what to do next!?) PLEASE HELP

    I got an early offer from UWS college. which i think is great..however.. I wonder if i should take it or just do bachelors. What are the pros and cons of bachelor vs diploma? What is the difference between hex debt? Do both bachelor and diploma start the same time? I don't know too much...
  4. epicFAILx

    iPAD? and other q's

    I heard that you are able to recieve an iPad from UWS. Though I'm not too sure if uws has to be your top preference or ONE of your preferences. The majority of my preferences are at uws including the top preference. However if i dont recieve my top preference do i still get an iPad? Also, if...
  5. epicFAILx

    EAS (how to access!?)

    I had submitted my EAS (for possible bonus points) before the deadline. However is there a way to access my EAS document? If so how.
  6. epicFAILx

    HSC vlog

    I thought my HSC expierience would be the slightest bit more entertaining if I vlogged it. trollface.jpg Enjoy :) (and constructive criticism is appreciated!)
  7. epicFAILx

    study timetable (prior HSC exams)

    there is 3 weeks left :blink2: regardless.. how many hours should be the average study per/day i know the line is: study smarter not harder. i study 6 hours (with breaks) during the day however i hear some people study 7-8 hours.. even 9 hours trollface.jpg question: how is that possible...
  8. epicFAILx

    creative writing HELP

    I got my trial marks back for creative writing and I got 7/15.. which is 'meh' But one of the comments I had been given was that my story wasn't 'creative' enough...........which disturbs me because no matter how many times I edit. I still get those comments back. I honestly am unsure what they...
  9. epicFAILx

    reading time

    what do you do in your reading time just before an exam? what should and should'nt you do? edit: for EACH of your subjects
  10. epicFAILx

    how to study for bio?

    How should I? Considering it has LOTS of content... i find biology the hardest to study. At the moment I do; - practise past papers - trial/ hsc papers - write notes but im not sure what to do anymore?? Im freaking out Trials are in two weeks......................!!
  11. epicFAILx

    understanding Q help!

    Note: - I have looked long and hard at this question......... but i don't get it "importance of conveying challenges faced by people as they grow up and go into the world' How i see it: -there is more than one challenge - you have to make the audience aware of these challenges please help...
  12. epicFAILx

    Differerence between Friends and Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

    This question must have been asked a million times.. but only just recently am I starting to fall for a really good guy friend of mine. + i havent been in a proper relationship because I used to always focused on my education first. All im trying to say is.. are there some differences between...
  13. epicFAILx

    Writing speeches (for presentations)

    Just curious, reguarding writing speeches on palm cards (to assist with presentations) is it safer to write dotpoints, or full sentences? what would be safer to do? what would/do you do? thanks in advance
  14. epicFAILx


    Which modules this year require supplementary texts? ( i have supplementry texts for all modules.. but i have a feeling one usually doesnt require one)
  15. epicFAILx

    Supp text for core text????

    Does the HSC english standard core text 2012 - The curious incident, need any supp texts?
  16. epicFAILx

    A clearer understanding..?!

    I have this essay question that relates to the physical and imagined visuals. i understand that physical is what people can see and imagined is what we think up of in our minds. Would an example for a technique for each be; Physical: Dialogue Imagined: Imagery or something like that?
  17. epicFAILx


    List the following structures in order of size, from smallest to largest: chromosome, gene, DNA, nucleotide, base, genome. I always seem to get this mixed up. I thought it was nucleotide< gene < genome < base < chromosome < DNA ..something doesnt look right.. correct me if I am wrong!
  18. epicFAILx

    Physics: Projectile Motion Formulas :(

    Whenever i get asked a question on projectile motions I tend to get the question wrong because i use the wrong formulas. For those who are doing, or have done and dusted physics. How did you learn the projectile motion formulas. There are so many :'(
  19. epicFAILx

    Supplementry (HELP!)

    I wanted to do the hitchhikers movie as a related text for the shoehorn.. but when i asked my teacher if itd suit she told me that i could but it would be hard to relate to shoehorn. I have until trials to decide whether i should stick to the movie..because its not what the examiners would...
  20. epicFAILx

    TAFE -> usyd

    Can someone please offer me assistance....? My plan is to do vet science at USYD, however in my case its going to be a little bit difficult. SO i considered to study Animal Studies at TAFE (most likely next year) ..incase my ATAR is lower than required for entering that course in usyd. now is...