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  1. M

    Internet Piracy - Three strikes rule Please view the above sites, the second especially. Remember politicians lie, especially to achieve objectives. Australia lags enough on international gaming servers...
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    Guantanamo Bay Prison

    Im not sure if this topic has already been started, but something in the news today sparked my interest on this issue again. America is still trying to pawn off inmate to other countries, and the exat line keeps coming back: If theyre alright for release, the why dont you take them...
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    Private Schools?

    Private schools are very stereotyped. I go to a private school, but my mum works one job and my dad works two to send my brothers and I there. Alot of the time the difference is the ideals that school is based on. Not only is there the "prestige", but my school has a large focus on catholocism...
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    Does God exist?

    There is one piece of evidence that cements my faith in an almighty being, in my case God, And that is the human eye. It defies probability, darwins evolution and comprehension. That such a complex body organ could be created is amazing, darwin himself cannot understand how it came to be. Also...
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    Into the world

    an anybody actually explain what "into the world" is supposed to mean? this is the english module our english teacher for stndrd english chose to do, and i have no idea what its about. Any help is accepted most gratefully
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    Does God exist?

    INTERESTING CONVERSATION An Atheist Professor of Philosophy speaks to his Class on the Problem Science has with GOD, The ALMIGHTY. He asks one of his New Christian Students to stand and . . . Professor : You are a Christian, aren't you, son ? Student : Yes, sir. Professor : So you Believe in...
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    Why do Aussies give Aboriginal Aussies a hard time?

    I read this bs story in my local newspaper: After national sorry day i was walking ariund ******, and where i had usually seen aborigines walking around with their heads bent, looking demoralised, this time they were walking with their heads high, that now they knew they had something to...
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    Israel–Gaza conflict

    ha ha no. i did not mean it in that context, in fact i know arabs and count some of them as good friends. When i said that i refer to the ones that seem to insist they have the greatest right to the region.
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    Israel–Gaza conflict

    how can anyone not support israel? they have inhabited those lands for 1000's of years before any fkn arab had a claim to it. Israel is a country surrounded by militants hostile to their survival. Some of the radical clerics have called for wiping Israel off the map. Israel has possibly the most...
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    Free Laptop

    My parents work jobs, we go without ALOT of the things others take for granted to go to a private school. Just because your parents dont love you enough to sacrifice a few years to improve your education doesnt mean we should be left out of the laptop deal.
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    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    I dont know why so many people are saying that he won because he's another bush. I myself would be happy to have another bush in administration. I mean if Americans had really disliked him that much, they wouldnt have elected him a second time. He stood up against the popularist flows, didnt...
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    Want to brainstorm the concept of belonging with me?

    Belonging is a tricky concept, as you can argue that people who dont want to belong actually "belong" to a group of people who dont want to belong. But what is belonging? One idea is that you belong when you feel comfortable with people who have similar objectives, goals, aims as you. But, as i...