I didnt apply to the NSW Attorney generals dept

I didnt apply for PWC either
i didnt bother applying to maddocks- their application required too much haha
So so far ive got rejections only from freehills
I haven't heard from corrs or DLA yet
i keep checking my email
but yeh for me, just free hills rejection so far
This is what I applied for
*Freehills- rejection
*Baker & McKenzie
*Clayton Utz
*Corrs Chambers Westgarth
*Gilbert + Tobin
*Henry Davis York
* Middletons
*Thomson Playford Cutlers
*TressCox Lawyers
*Jones Day
*Allens Arthur Robertson
*Blake Dawson
*Holding Redlich
*Johnson Winter & Slattery
*Slater and Gordon
*Minter Ellison
* DLA Phillips Fox