cheapest protein shake? (2 Viewers)


The A-Team
Nov 16, 2006
Albury-Wodonga, NSW
Pizza is good. It has a decent amount of protein, a lot of fat and a lot of carbs. It would put muscle on anybody.

If the macros are the same it doesnt matter.
Oh ok then, i didn't know that. Thanks Oliver. There some pretty impressive weightlifting stats.
How long have you been doing it? I work on 6RM, and mine are:

-Squat (130kg), Bench (85kg) and Deadlift (130kg), only been doing it for 9weeks though


Jul 24, 2009
Oh ok then, i didn't know that. Thanks Oliver. There some pretty impressive weightlifting stats.
How long have you been doing it? I work on 6RM, and mine are:

-Squat (130kg), Bench (85kg) and Deadlift (130kg), only been doing it for 9weeks though
Lol. I know what you mean - ideally we should eat healthy, but its a bit hard for a broke uni student to afford 5000-7000 calories of healthy food a day, in which case a bit of mcdonalds doesn't hurt.

I've been lifting for almost a year. Mind you, I've really struggled to make it to the gym when I have exams.

You should check out the rippetoe program - you sound like an up and coming breezerd - with that kinda strength and a proper program like rippetoes you'll be hitting a 600 total within a year.
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The A-Team
Nov 16, 2006
Albury-Wodonga, NSW
Lol. I know what you mean - ideally we should eat healthy, but its a bit hard for a broke uni student to afford 5000-7000 calories of healthy food a day, in which case a bit of mcdonalds doesn't hurt.

I've been lifting for almost a year. Mind you, I've really struggled to make it to the gym when I have exams.

You should check out the rippetoe program - you sound like an up and coming breezerd - with that kinda strength and a proper program like rippetoes you'll be hitting a 600 total within a year.
Ahh i see what you mean, i'm sure i'll be the same next year then lol I've been on the 12 week MAX-OT program, but a few physio mates that do it aswell tweaked it a bit, although most say don't tweak programs, it was for the best. It doesn't do much on Abs, so i do Abs 4 days out of the 5.

-Leg raises (10 x 3 sets)
-Crunches (25 x 3 sets)
-Cable Crunches (12 x 3sets) [if you don't know what these are you basically get on your knees and 'hail', with the rope at your head]
-Toe Taps (50 x 3 sets)

MAX-OT = [ AST Sports Science - High-Performance Sports Nutrition Supplements ].

Just sign up and have a look at it, it's basically what i wrote above though. It's pretty insane, they say you should take a 1-2 break after the 12 weeks, i think i might take a week off after the 12th week.

Have a good at the that next maybe man. I'm looking at that program you suggested now, is it just deadlift, bench and squat?


Jul 24, 2009
Ahh i see what you mean, i'm sure i'll be the same next year then lol I've been on the 12 week MAX-OT program, but a few physio mates that do it aswell tweaked it a bit, although most say don't tweak programs, it was for the best. It doesn't do much on Abs, so i do Abs 4 days out of the 5.

-Leg raises (10 x 3 sets)
-Crunches (25 x 3 sets)
-Cable Crunches (12 x 3sets) [if you don't know what these are you basically get on your knees and 'hail', with the rope at your head]
-Toe Taps (50 x 3 sets)

MAX-OT = [ AST Sports Science - High-Performance Sports Nutrition Supplements ].

Just sign up and have a look at it, it's basically what i wrote above though. It's pretty insane, they say you should take a 1-2 break after the 12 weeks, i think i might take a week off after the 12th week.

Have a good at the that next maybe man. I'm looking at that program you suggested now, is it just deadlift, bench and squat?
military press and power clean as well, it rotates.

My issues with Max-ot are many:
- though it emphasizes compounds it doesn't emphasize the right ones
- Failure training leads a lot of people to burnout
- There are a lot of issues with split training, the theory is isolation but it never occurs. Say you've got 'chest' day on monday, you hit your triceps. So you do 'back' on the following day, you're hitting your triceps isometrically through most pulling movements. Then you have 'shoulders and arms', which is ANOTHER tricep day again.
- On the other hand, you only work your legs once a week. a beginner can put weight on his squat WAY faster than once a week.
- Finally, max-ot leaves no room for 'periodisation', something all elite athletes except dumbass bodybuilders do.

Rip's routine is better because:
- its full body, so more muscles are moved = greater homeostasis disruption
- you're squatting x3 a week, benching/pressing x3 a fortnight and deadlifting x1 a week, thats a lot of practice for the main lifts
- periodisation is properly programmed (daily)
- lifts are based around building the key lifts (eg the overhead press and power clean)
- Rip's routine isnt static, so when you move past daily periodisation you can move onto texas method (which should do you until you die unless you're a competitive powerlifter, in which case check out sheiko).

Mate I'm a pretty serious lifter - I pull off some decent lifts, have a locally welded power rack and am picking up some ironworks next week (an elite weightlifting shoe). Rippetoe has put in more thought to the slow lifts than anyone else I know, and also receives the kudos from other famous trainers such as Pendlay, Starr and Wendler. I'd strongly recommend picking up starting strength and practical programming, I really wish I'd never read anything else.

Omie Jay

Nov 8, 2006
in my own pants
I use BSc Hydroxyburn Pro (3kg bucket). It's expensive as all shit but god damn it get's results quickly. Read more about it here:

BSc Body Science Hydroxy Burn Pro Lean + Ripped Protein Formula�::�Supplements�::�Supplements, Boxing Equipment, Martial Arts Equipment, Compressors, MMA Clothing, Gym Clothing

Originally i used: Musashi WPI, but hydroxyburn shits all over WPI.

I've heard you should only take it for 3 weeks then have 1 week off it and repeat.

Also, it shit's all over it in every catagory except taste, it is the absolute pits in terms of taste, my god i hate it so so much. Add it to milk, because with water it is almost undrinkable.
chocolate one's not bad, but i put in some milo just in case.

still tastes kinda strange, but not horrible.

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