Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home (7 Viewers)



funny that, i've only ever seen white: garbage cleaners, janitors, builders, brick layers, plumbers, abattoir workers, butchers, embalmers, portable sewage installers/cleaners etc
That's because we dont let poor immigrants come here.

You only get to live here because of the largesse of our immigration policy.

So how about instead of saying how shit the locals are you could maybe be proud of the country that has given you the opportunities your parents/their parents were denied in their shithole countries (as the impetus for coming here).

This is what people refer to when they think immigrants should integrate.



This thing writes itself.
If you go to any foreign country you will see the expatriates there generally have higher education and training and probably income than the average local. That's because immigration is strict and multinational companies only hire quality people to work in their overseas offices.

It's quite racist to assume that the immigrants are somehow inherently better than the general population of labouring/garbage collecting locals who happen to be all white (wtf)

do you understand how much shit a white person would get if they expressed that kind of sentiment in a foreign country?

I dont know where all this migrant superiority comes from, but its fucking misguided.


Jun 2, 2008
If you go to any foreign country you will see the expatriates there generally have higher education and training and probably income than the average local. That's because immigration is strict and multinational companies only hire quality people to work in their overseas offices.

It's quite racist to assume that the immigrants are somehow inherently better than the general population of labouring/garbage collecting locals who happen to be all white (wtf)

do you understand how much shit a white person would get if they expressed that kind of sentiment in a foreign country?
ummm. this whole thing started with a white person calling all immigrants labourers and taxi drivers. u expect me to just sit here n listen to them when i know thats bullshit. just because we came to your country doesnt mean we want to turn white n be the typical aussie. we came here for a better life and we do our part for the country n the economy. but theres only so much shit people r gonna take. the religion discrimination is getting old, u cant expect muslims to just sit there n take that shit day after day, especially when most of the muslims here dont pull the crap the so called muslims pull in their counties, for which we have to cop the shit. same goes with where we came from. we know we didnt come from the best countries, theres a reason we moved here in the first place. but after coming to this country n working for a living and paying our dues you cant expect us to just sit here n listen to some shit about how were all worthless labourers.


Well yes that is correct, but a majority of them would be paper pushers on 65k a year salary. Have a look at a hospital ward and see how many ethnic doctors there are, on about a min 120k a year. Quite a few. And for every well off businessmen in the CBD, there are atleast 20-50 that are unemployed, not choosing to work, or in low skilled low income job.

Obviously there are going to be a majority non ethnic in the judiciary considering
a majority white population. That doesn't negate my earlier point of the low skilled/looked down upon jobs are done by non ethnic - white.
so you're saying

whites are shit, and inherently stupid

and migrants are better

so we should welcome our islamofascist overlords?


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
You should remember where you came from, just because you live in Australia now don't forget your roots. Thats where your ancestors were raised. Of course its corrupt. Like I said its a third world country with the tenth largest population of the world and the size of NY city. Just be grateful they're not all bombing themselves like the other countries. Given its current state, its pretty civilized.

People gossip and talk everywhere. Its not just Bangladeshi. You just have to be smart enough to stay away from those who are sad enough to gossip.

Ki medicine e dhukte paro nai dekhe doctor deke pochondo koro na ? Like grow up yo. And whats wrong with you anyway ? they're saying people from BD and India are all labors and you know that shit isnt true.
Bangladesh is not the size of New York City, where the fuck did you get that from.

My course is 1249125798312568981 times better than medicine.

Anwayz good ol' Pauline can sell her house to anyone she wants, her house is probably in xenophobic heartland, no one would want to live there.


Jun 2, 2008
Bangladesh is not the size of New York City, where the fuck did you get that from.

My course is 1249125798312568981 times better than medicine.

Anwayz good ol' Pauline can sell her house to anyone she wants, her house is probably in xenophobic heartland, no one would want to live there.
Having a total area the size of New York state, the country has a population equal to half that of the United States or 8 times the population of New York State.

Bangladesh - Location and size, Population, Industry, Mining, Manufacturing, Services, Tourism, Financial services. , Retail, Dependencies

its under " Population " read your heart out.


ummm. this whole thing started with a white person calling all immigrants labourers and taxi drivers. u expect me to just sit here n listen to them when i know thats bullshit. just because we came to your country doesnt mean we want to turn white n be the typical aussie. we came here for a better life and we do our part for the country n the economy. but theres only so much shit people r gonna take. the religion discrimination is getting old, u cant expect muslims to just sit there n take that shit day after day, especially when most of the muslims here dont pull the crap the so called muslims pull in their counties, for which we have to cop the shit. same goes with where we came from. we know we didnt come from the best countries, theres a reason we moved here in the first place. but after coming to this country n working for a living and paying our dues you cant expect us to just sit here n listen to some shit about how were all worthless labourers.
Maybe if you believed in free speech and didn't abuse equal opportunity legislation to command criticism of islam as 'racism' people would have more respect for your way of life. The fact remains islamic people are acting the victims and launching a wholesale campaign against the civil liberties of the citizenry of the western world in the name of cultural integration. This is a smokescreen for the takeover of civil society by laws that privilege islam in both the judiciary and the executive.

So no, we have a lot more of your shit to put up with than a few petty names which you're not mature enough to ignore.

I dont' care if you're offended, we'll publish as many islamic cartoons as we like because speech is free. In every single country the muslims are claiming they are being victimised and someone is taking their land. The Jews and the Christians do not cause conflict everywhere they live.

Maybe it's you.
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BigBoyJames -

Apr 28, 2010


Jun 2, 2008
Maybe if you believed in free speech and didn't abuse equal opportunity legislation to command criticism of islam as 'racism' people would have more respect for your way of life. The fact remains islamic people are acting the victims and launching a wholesale campaign against the civil liberties of the citizenry of the western world in the name of cultural integration. This is a smokescreen for the takeover of civil society by laws that privilege islam in both the judiciary and the executive.

So no, we have a lot more of your shit to put up with than a few petty names which you're not mature enough to ignore.

I dont' care if you're offended, we'll publish as many islamic cartoons as we like because speech is free.
This is my point exactly. You think that every muslim is the same. You think its just petty name calling ? you think we care about petty name calling ? Muslims get death stares walking streets, their names disadvantage them from getting jobs, for fucks sake if you have an islamic name they do maximum security on you in every single airport still today. With nothing as their basis, other than your last name. I should know, went on a world tour a year ago and got pulled over at every since country and had our bags n coats searched. You know how humiliating that is ? Getting blamed for other peoples shit when you dont even agree with the person in the first place.


This is my point exactly. You think that every muslim is the same. You think its just petty name calling ? you think we care about petty name calling ? Muslims get death stares walking streets, their names disadvantage them from getting jobs, for fucks sake if you have an islamic name they do maximum security on you in every single airport still today. With nothing as their basis, other than your last name. I should know, went on a world tour a year ago and got pulled over at every since country and had our bags n coats searched. You know how humiliating that is ? Getting blamed for other peoples shit when you dont even agree with the person in the first place.
well you're free to leave if you don't like it.


Jun 2, 2008
kaz1 is bengali

your a fucking slut

and muslim

fuck you. go get fucked.
dude can you like shut up. i know kazis bengali, his name was a bit of a give away. he just thinks just because he lives in australia hes better than the rest of us.


I should know, went on a world tour a year ago and got pulled over at every since country and had our bags n coats searched. You know how humiliating that is ? Getting blamed for other peoples shit when you dont even agree with the person in the first place.
The question is not "are all muslims terrorists?"

The question is "are all terorists muslims"?

The answer is yes.

BigBoyJames -

Apr 28, 2010
dude can you like shut up. i know kazis bengali, his name was a bit of a give away. he just thinks just because he lives in australia hes better than the rest of us.
no he doesnt you fuckin cock sucker

kaz1 is better than you because he isnt a slut

kaz1 is cool.

your a fucking moSLUM

and a fucking jew

like fuck, if you got raped id lol at you


Jun 2, 2008
well you're free to leave if you don't like it.
You're so kind. You're parents must be so proud to have given birth to such a charming offspring. Like i said, 2025, whites here will be the minority. You either get used to us, or you can do what Pauline Hanson did and leave yourself.

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