you will not be able to find the average from this forumWhat's your GPA now? (undergraduate,MQ)
no matter you are current student or graduated.
Please tell us your GPA, if you study in Macquarie.
I curious about the average GPA in our school =)
I am studying in Finance, current GPA 3.25 ....What about you
^ will not be able to find the average from this forum
you shouldn't even care
all you should care is about doing well yourself, everyone else is irrelevant (unlike in high school and ranking etc)
3.2 is a solid GPA, even in finance.
haha that is too true for me, because i am a lazy bastard as you can see from my screenname.^ This.
Edit: Comparing yourself to others of no significance is really one of the worst things you can do at uni. It's natural and sometimes even good to have friendly competition with friends and to use them to motivate you, but caring about random people online is really not good.
What you said is very true for most people.I usually say to myself 'yeh i will definately go to the library tommorow and study hard' that never happens or happens after few weeks and find myself cramming 2 chapters in one study session! But when i have someone ask me 'you better come today lets study' i stick to it and find myself studying better and trying to beat my friend in 'marks' only if i had that motivation and self discipline to study without needing someone to drag me will i be a all distinction student,
haha i know the feeling.Liiesssss.
(although mine will be somewhere around that after these exams, sadly.)