For the area of study paper, I'd suggest refreshing your knowledge of visual and language techniques. For all the essay questions, that's essentially what my English teacher told us to do. It's impossible for them to teach you every theme in relation to every question they can possibly ask, so write your essay centred around what they taught you in class, make sure you're teacher is happy with the quality and then I went through the list of past questions in each module to find a pattern. If there is a distinct pattern (as I had in history and memory) then it should be fine to memorise just the one. However, if you notice a lot of variety (I found with the Hamlet questions) then make a mental note of how you would adapt your essay to fit that question. To be honest, I think there is a certain degree of bullshitting involved in English essays so as long as you can draw some comparisons from your prepared essay to the question and make it seem logical then you should be fine.