Does God exist? (16 Viewers)

do you believe in god?

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Sep 2, 2012
Beliefs are fine. It's when beliefs inform actions where problems can arise.
I understand. This is the only sad consquence of religion

Just because we debate the matter and have differing views, doesn't mean we have a problem with peoples beliefs - although I do have a problem when they start pushing it onto other people.
I have that problem too. It is quite annoying. But I learn to ignore (accept)


Jun 7, 2012
The only reason I think there is a god is because of the Big Bang. How is it possible for a singularity to come from nothing?


real human bean
Nov 17, 2007
The only reason I think there is a god is because of the Big Bang. How is it possible for a singularity to come from nothing?
God of the gaps. Just because we don't understand something doesn't mean there's any reason to assume a god did it.


Clockwork Army
Sep 4, 2008
Short answer - God exists within the mind of those that have faith.

For those like myself, he doesn't exist.

So yes, he does exist, if you want him to.



Premium Member
Apr 5, 2010
The only reason I think there is a god is because of the Big Bang. How is it possible for a singularity to come from nothing?
And how is it possible that God came from nothing?

Not a good argument, neither sides can win this one.


Sep 2, 2012
And how is it possible that God came from nothing?

Not a good argument, neither sides can win this one.
Well, neither sides can really prove their case.

The only reason I think there is a god is because of the Big Bang. How is it possible for a singularity to come from nothing?
Is that a typo? (Your evidence suggests so)

Personally, it is about belief. Honestly, I know some doubt this yet believe for the comfort.

That's all well and good, but they haven't learnt to accept.
Unfortunately true. It stems from a poorly educated generation about accepting peoples beliefs.


Premium Member
Apr 5, 2010
what a sad way to live life

I prefer to think of it as a way to realise that 99% of things we worry about on a day to day basis are insignificant and we should spend our time worrying about other things.

Try to enjoy ourselves, and progress as a whole.


Mar 20, 2012
Note: This is a Christian-God related post.

I feel awfully tiny and silly and naive as I post this. I'm kind of scared to be honest, but here goes.

I read the entire argument guide, and I'm sorry that half of this will probably do whatever it says not to do. >_<

Rather than answering the 'Does God exist?' question, my post will be useful in the sense that it shows you the perspective of a Christian/her opinion of one of the reasons why Christianity is sorely misunderstood.

To start off, I believe in God. I believe there is a God.

(I am not a literalist/fundamentalist/creationist. I do not claim to have full belief or knowledge of the universe and its origins and all this profound shit, because really, I'm just a sixteen year old trying to get through highschool)

To continue, everything I'm saying here is a matter of my personal opinion, please DO NOT feel as though I'm infringing upon your right as a human being to carry your own thoughts/beliefs. I respect you and I hope you do the same for me.

However, I don't think God is a thing which you prove through evidential argument. I know it's frustrating, I at one point could empathise with you. I was born and raised in a Christian family, and I can't help but feel a lot of you thinking (Oh, here we go...), and hey, I guess I can't really blame you.

I think the world has construed faith into something gross. I think the second it becomes a matter of 'God is real, how dare you defy my beliefs!', real faith and belief in God is lost. You know why? Because it becomes all about me. What I want to believe. What I think is moral. What I think is the right thing to do, when really, having faith in God means it's no longer about you but bettering the world with the love and grace that you now know. And instead of adapting the humbling nature of having faith in a higher power, some adopt this false sense of superiority.

Christianity, to me (once again, only my opinion), should be firmly rooted in the foundations of love, grace, empathy and a willingness to accept the fact that you by yourself are really not that important, but are actually made for something greater than living for yourself. Like, sure, you're awesomely and complexly created and the fact that you're alive goes against like a billion gazillion odds, but we as humans, individually, are nothing when compared to... well, ourselves. I'm not being very concise because I'm literally just typing my thoughts as they come, but I think religious people tend to turn faith into self interest, and use God as an excuse to justify their own actions. So what used to be, "God is great, God has shown me grace and love," turns into, "God is great, and I believe in God, therefore I am great and have the right to tell other people they are not great unless they believe in God's greatness also." I think just by looking at our own human history, self interest is the root of all evil.

I'm sorry if you have been vilified or insulted by those that use their faith as an excuse to justify their idiocy and general suckiness, when really, by declaring your belief in God, you're kind of deeming yourself a complete loser that has been redeemed through love and grace given to you by God.


But yeah, once again, I know this isn't really relevant to the whole 'Is God real?' argument... but... I felt compelled to post this. This is entirely my opinion/the way I think about these things. Feel free to attack me!
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
That is an excellent post Leviathan96. I feel much the same.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2011
the hyperplane
Note: This is a Christian-God related post.

I feel awfully tiny and silly and naive as I post this. I'm kind of scared to be honest, but here goes.

I read the entire argument guide, and I'm sorry that half of this will probably do whatever it says not to do. >_<

Rather than answering the 'Does God exist?' question, my post will be useful in the sense that it shows you the perspective of a Christian/her opinion of one of the reasons why Christianity is sorely misunderstood.

To start off, I believe in God. I believe there is a God.

(I am not a literalist/fundamentalist/creationist. I do not claim to have full belief or knowledge of the universe and its origins and all this profound shit, because really, I'm just a sixteen year old trying to get through highschool)

To continue, everything I'm saying here is a matter of my personal opinion, please DO NOT feel as though I'm infringing upon your right as a human being to carry your own thoughts/beliefs. I respect you and I hope you do the same for me.

However, I don't think God is a thing which you prove through evidential argument. I know it's frustrating, I at one point could empathise with you. I was born and raised in a Christian family, and I can't help but feel a lot of you thinking (Oh, here we go...), and hey, I guess I can't really blame you.

I think the world has construed faith into something gross. I think the second it becomes a matter of 'God is real, how dare you defy my beliefs!', real faith and belief in God is lost. You know why? Because it becomes all about me. What I want to believe. What I think is moral. What I think is the right thing to do, when really, having faith in God means it's no longer about you but bettering the world with the love and grace that you now know. And instead of adapting the humbling nature of having faith in a higher power, some adopt this false sense of superiority.

Christianity, to me (once again, only my opinion), should be firmly rooted in the foundations of love, grace, empathy and a willingness to accept the fact that you by yourself are really not that important, but are actually made for something greater than living for yourself. Like, sure, you're awesomely and complexly created and the fact that you're alive goes against like a billion gazillion odds, but we as humans, individually, are nothing when compared to... well, ourselves. I'm not being very concise because I'm literally just typing my thoughts as they come, but I think religious people tend to turn faith into self interest, and use God as an excuse to justify their own actions. So what used to be, "God is great, God has shown me grace and love," turns into, "God is great, and I believe in God, therefore I am great and have the right to tell other people they are not great unless they believe in God's greatness also." I think just by looking at our own human history, self interest is the root of all evil.

I'm sorry if you have been vilified or insulted by those that use their faith as an excuse to justify their idiocy and general suckiness, when really, by declaring your belief in God, you're kind of deeming yourself a complete loser that has been redeemed through love and grace given to you by God.


But yeah, once again, I know this isn't really relevant to the whole 'Is God real?' argument... but... I felt compelled to post this. This is entirely my opinion/the way I think about these things. Feel free to attack me!
i think millions of children dying of cancer or some other terminal illness all around the world (among other shit that happens) with the prayers from them and their family being completely ignored kinda removes any doubts from my mind about the non-existence of a caring, all-powerful god


Active Member
May 4, 2012
what a sad way to live life

I would think otherwise... To me this shows how irrelevant everything we do is in the grand scheme of things, all our religions, all our different groups and the lines dividing our nations are all insignificant in the universe. It takes the ideas that everything revolves around us, a single species out of millions, that a god created this vast expanding universe that we will barely explore for us, and in general we as human beings think we have such high importance and says NO, these are all awfully wrong and destroying us for no reason at all! You look around at your shopping centre you will see people, people who believe in a variety of religions, you look at our history and see all the religions which have existed. Now you think, how does this even happen, how can so many occur. Think about this idea, that they are power tools and also revenue makers. In a society you want to have control over it, you create a set of beliefs in a fairly primitive society where scientific knowledge is extremely limited, you implement fear into this belief system, that you will be smote and sent to be tortured for eternity in a pit of fire by an evil, evil man. You then go around begging for money to support your cause because God wants you to spread the good word so that more people can be saved from this terrible fate! You now have something simply amazing, a revenue maker which can also do as you please so long as you say 'God came to me in a dream, he sent me a message saying...'. When I see huge megaplex churches going up I cannot take religion seriously, the money which could otherwise be used on helping the poor or something which I would think a kind God would approve much more than the money being spent to make a huge overdone shrine and to put large sums into the priests' pockets. Also I find it wrong that I will be going to hell to burn for all eternity while being but raped by Satan because I am an atheist despite all the good things I do, but a serial killer who asks for forgiveness who believes in Christianity will be given front row seats into heaven. The only thing I don't like about religion is that it has a lot of power, it can influence countries and political decisions, crap like voting in Bush because he was a fond Christian is disgusting. As long as religion only stays in peoples and between their little groups heads I'm cool with it, but if it starts affecting my life where it shouldn't or it starts doing things for the wrong reason then I won't be a happy camper.


Premium Member
Apr 5, 2010
i think millions of children dying of cancer or some other terminal illness all around the world (among other shit that happens) with the prayers from them and their family being completely ignored kinda removes any doubts from my mind about the non-existence of a caring, all-powerful god
Heard a quote relatively recently that I guess explains this for the religious, was something like "Don't pray for something good to happen, pray because it has happened".


Learn to science.
Aug 19, 2008
I masturbate regularly.
My vision is not as good as it used to be.
I must be going blind.
Ergo God exists.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2008
your logic is impeccable, I can't see how you're wrong.
ergo God exists.


townie for worst user
Mar 17, 2011
I would think otherwise... To me this shows how irrelevant everything we do is in the grand scheme of things, all our religions, all our different groups and the lines dividing our nations are all insignificant in the universe. It takes the ideas that everything revolves around us, a single species out of millions, that a god created this vast expanding universe that we will barely explore for us, and in general we as human beings think we have such high importance and says NO, these are all awfully wrong and destroying us for no reason at all! You look around at your shopping centre you will see people, people who believe in a variety of religions, you look at our history and see all the religions which have existed. Now you think, how does this even happen, how can so many occur. Think about this idea, that they are power tools and also revenue makers. In a society you want to have control over it, you create a set of beliefs in a fairly primitive society where scientific knowledge is extremely limited, you implement fear into this belief system, that you will be smote and sent to be tortured for eternity in a pit of fire by an evil, evil man. You then go around begging for money to support your cause because God wants you to spread the good word so that more people can be saved from this terrible fate! You now have something simply amazing, a revenue maker which can also do as you please so long as you say 'God came to me in a dream, he sent me a message saying...'. When I see huge megaplex churches going up I cannot take religion seriously, the money which could otherwise be used on helping the poor or something which I would think a kind God would approve much more than the money being spent to make a huge overdone shrine and to put large sums into the priests' pockets. Also I find it wrong that I will be going to hell to burn for all eternity while being but raped by Satan because I am an atheist despite all the good things I do, but a serial killer who asks for forgiveness who believes in Christianity will be given front row seats into heaven. The only thing I don't like about religion is that it has a lot of power, it can influence countries and political decisions, crap like voting in Bush because he was a fond Christian is disgusting. As long as religion only stays in peoples and between their little groups heads I'm cool with it, but if it starts affecting my life where it shouldn't or it starts doing things for the wrong reason then I won't be a happy camper.
an incredible tl;dr and completely sidetracking/missing my point
also some paragraphs won't go astray

the point of the video is the fact wemre having the insignificance discussion means that we are significant. and i guess i'm saying that for someone to say 'earth is tiny so war, religion and politics are pointless-- it matters to someone so therefore it is important. in the words of abed nadir, i just like liking things. and if someone has a religion or believes in something, it's unfair to say that it doesn't matter.

basically as far as we know we are the only intelligent life and the rest, while incredible is essentially nothing, and you wouldn't dismiss a diamond sitting in a large empty room


Active Member
Mar 16, 2011
the hyperplane
an incredible tl;dr and completely sidetracking/missing my point
also some paragraphs won't go astray

the point of the video is the fact wemre having the insignificance discussion means that we are significant. and i guess i'm saying that for someone to say 'earth is tiny so war, religion and politics are pointless-- it matters to someone so therefore it is important. in the words of abed nadir, i just like liking things. and if someone has a religion or believes in something, it's unfair to say that it doesn't matter.

basically as far as we know we are the only intelligent life and the rest, while incredible is essentially nothing, and you wouldn't dismiss a diamond sitting in a large empty room
everything is relative, we are both significant and insignificant depending on context

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