Yes they have, you don't even realise it you fool. Who do you think regulates roads, arrests criminals etc amongst a host of other things. Do you think our society would be better without them?
I'm also unsure of what you are insinuating when you said 'Analogy for this - not all students study'.
Yes they are on call 24/7. You wouldn't know - so don't act like you do.
And yes, on the general consensus, the majority of people do consider being a police officer a respectable job. This obviously changes on their cultural/social status and background, however for the most part, this is true, and has been in Australia for longer than you or I have lived to experience. Do you know why? It's because when a family crashes their car at 2am, 2 children are deceased in the back, and the mother is trapped forced to sit and watch... who is first called to the scene? A police officer. If you think a 'stupid person' could handle this situation, or countless others, then you are sorely mistaken my friend.
I could say the same for immigrant doctors who can barely speak English let alone are able to emphasize with their patients and their needs.. they too could be coined 'stupid people', and trust me.. there's PLENTY of those. Doctor's who have left conditions untreated because Google couldn't provide the answer for them.
He through him to the ground, get over it, worse happens in a year 3 punch up. This situation has only been elevated to the level it has because he was gay, and all the white knights of this world have flocked like sheep to the flavour of the month.
No, they haven't.
I have been in abusive and assaulting situations and contacted the police and ignored.
Don't you dare tell me they protected me in that situation.
You do not know me, hence why I told you to shut the fuck up before, because again, you have shown you don't know what is going on.
Not all police protect, not all students study, not all McDonald's working flip burgers, etc., etc.
just because you assume it is their job doesn't mean they do it
I know police officers.
They go home and sleep at night without being in call.
There is a certain amount of time they are on call.
They are not on call 24/7
Where do you live?
Not Australia?
Because cops, in most places I've been, are considered "pigs", "dogs", etc., etc.
Or they see them as debt collectors with their speed camera shit.
And the way they check train tickets even though there are already transit officers for that.
There are two ends of the spectrum, and most people, with the proper training, could handle that situation. Once you've seen it a few times you're desensitised. Happens to anyone no matter their intelligence.
Remember you're statement about "fluff"?
Add it in here.
No. He threw him head-first into the ground.
I don't know if you understand basic human anatomy, but like, the brain is right there, like, in the head, like, behind the skull.
No, that is not the only reason and you are stupid to think that.
The reason it is so bad because he's gay is because it is on mardi gras. I don't think you inkstand what that means, but like, google it. In '78 people were killed by cops for protesting peacefully for their rights. The fact that no apology was ever issued and yet police are allowed to march in the parade makes most people in the gay/lesbian community a bit baffled and now that this has happened it is a sign that nothing has really changed.
And it's true.
Because people like you are still thinking and saying the things you do.
There's a lot more shit behind this than just "he is gay".
So shut up.