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I was trying to find LoLSoc, i wanted a free rp card.Summary of my day
- Free popcorn
- Free kangaroo meat
- Free flairy floss
- Free brochures
- Free badges (pokemon club, etc)
- Got a lot from economic and international humanitary law + the lecturers were awesome and heaps comedic about their fields.
- Timstar pretty much cockblocked me when me and my friends were taking photos. (I went to usyd week earlier and he did this shit too.. NOT COOL BRO.)
- Rude bogan dude with his son telling my mate for "pushing in" (prick - some guy pushed in front of him and he just got butthurt)
- UNSW comparatively newer lecture buildings and hotter chicks - i know what my first preference is going to be in 2015
I cbs trying bush tucker, looked half-dodge.
Bogan was probs rude coz he was alienated by over 9000 asians.
Hotter chicks definitely