Cvltural Maxism: Political Correctness/Feminism (4 Viewers)

Mr Mr

New Member
Jan 7, 2016
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

The biggest flaw of feminism is that ultimately, feminists are humans. It's easy to cherry pick some misandrists or people with misguided views and use that as an excuse to hate on feminism but it's a foolish fallacy called generalisation. At the end of the day, the only people who are convinced by that video are people who already hate feminism so it's not really a sound argument against feminism.

Comments are great though: fighting misandry with sexism yay! "God damn it can someone put this cunt in the kitchen?"
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2015
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

The gender pay gap MYTH arose from a misinterpreted statistic that failed to acknowledge particular variables such as: occupation in industry and hours worked. One of the main reasons women are payed less is because they have babies meaning less time in the workforce and the denying of laborious positions in fear for the mother's health and her ability to cope with having a baby; they want mommy-friendly positions. Also, face the simple economics of it all, are you saying that men in top-tier positions can get away with underpaying their females SOLELY based on their gender? Okay, why hire men then? Why need men if you can just have women who are willing to work for less pay? Why? Specialisation, men do different work than women, and that's fine and that's why in most cases they are payed more. The more demanding the work, the more the pay, 92% of work deaths in 2014 were men, coincidence? Men work an average of 8.14 hours a day as opposed to the female average being 7.75 hours.

But lets assume, for the sake of argument, that the pay gap is real (tssk...), it takes but one business owner to pay men and women equally to break the chain and instigate 'competitive pressure' a term meaning that there is enough competition to induce the betterment holistically for more attraction (search it up, too tired). In essence, the reason females make less than men is due to economic decision making. Do your own unbiased research, you'll find substantial evidence hinting the nonexistence of the gender pay gap.

Also, in refutation to your female shelter thing to combat women in abusive relationships, what about the men in abusive relationships? I do understand that the number may be higher for women, but lets not forget the men in this equation. Men's allegations of rape and torment are belittled 'How can a man fall victim to a female?', they take platforms speaking out against mens outcries claiming that men can never be the victims of sexism (which funnily enough is sexist in itself lol), and Gabrielle Jackson, an Australian 'article writer' and ignoramus, claims that men can never be victims to women. Where's the equality in that?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

Currently, in what ways are women's rights being violated in todays day and age in the West?

Why the fuck do you guys care so much? You are totally blinded to the inequality that still exists in our world just because your little bubble doesn't have these issues. It's selfish.

It's not fair to demonise feminism just because your world doesn't need it and in your world people who call themselves feminists do crazy things. There are women out there who's rights are pathetic compared to men's. This is no secret.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2015
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

I care because women in other countries are getting raped, tortured, stoned to death, oppressed, belittled and all we can do is 'love ur body, because ur one of a kind girlz xoxoxo'


Apr 20, 2015
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism


Why the fuck do you guys care so much? You are totally blinded to the inequality that still exists in our world just because your little bubble doesn't have these issues. It's selfish.

It's not fair to demonise feminism just because your world doesn't need it and in your world people who call themselves feminists do crazy things. There are women out there who's rights are pathetic compared to men's. This is no secret.
In the west maybe not - but in alot of the under developed and even some developed countries women's rights are severely diminished if not existing at all.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2015
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

Yeah, and that's why lets quit the whining and bitching and actually exercise the notion that we are equal (because we are), and lets shift resources into helping the East, or is that too demanding a request from the feminists who still seek an upper hand against men?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

I think that the movement before was more concerned with equality and the movements these days are concerned with superiority
Oh so here is what the issue is.

You guys are upset with the CURRENT movement, not the OLD movement. We have been on different pages since I considered feminism as one thing, not separate things and was talking about it as such.

Why do you care about the current movement? How does it affect you? And is it really a big deal like you say it is? Please provide sources if you're going to claim anything. Or even just any evidence that shows it's such a big problem.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2015
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

Because if I were to be sexually assaulted by a women and came out as a victim, I would be laughed at, belittled, dismissed, unconsidered and be labelled a discriminatory sexist.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

Because if I were to be sexually assaulted by a women and came out as a victim, I would be laughed at, belittled, dismissed, unconsidered and be labelled a discriminatory sexist.
No you wouldn't.

Mr Mr

New Member
Jan 7, 2016
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

The gender pay gap MYTH arose from a misinterpreted statistic that failed to acknowledge particular variables such as: occupation in industry and hours worked. One of the main reasons women are payed less is because they have babies meaning less time in the workforce and the denying of laborious positions in fear for the mother's health and her ability to cope with having a baby; they want mommy-friendly positions. Also, face the simple economics of it all, are you saying that men in top-tier positions can get away with underpaying their females SOLELY based on their gender? Okay, why hire men then? Why need men if you can just have women who are willing to work for less pay? Why? Specialisation, men do different work than women, and that's fine and that's why in most cases they are payed more. The more demanding the work, the more the pay, 92% of work deaths in 2014 were men, coincidence? Men work an average of 8.14 hours a day as opposed to the female average being 7.75 hours.

But lets assume, for the sake of argument, that the pay gap is real (tssk...), it takes but one business owner to pay men and women equally to break the chain and instigate 'competitive pressure' a term meaning that there is enough competition to induce the betterment holistically for more attraction (search it up, too tired). In essence, the reason females make less than men is due to economic decision making. Do your own unbiased research, you'll find substantial evidence hinting the nonexistence of the gender pay gap.

Also, in refutation to your female shelter thing to combat women in abusive relationships, what about the men in abusive relationships? I do understand that the number may be higher for women, but lets not forget the men in this equation. Men's allegations of rape and torment are belittled 'How can a man fall victim to a female?', they take platforms speaking out against mens outcries claiming that men can never be the victims of sexism (which funnily enough is sexist in itself lol), and Gabrielle Jackson, an Australian 'article writer' and ignoramus, claims that men can never be victims to women. Where's the equality in that?
If you actually read the report I posted then you would realised the data was sourced from ABS Employee Earnings and Hours employer survey. Please actually read the report.
"Also, face the simple economics of it all, are you saying that men in top-tier positions can get away with underpaying their females SOLELY based on their gender? Okay, why hire men then? Why need men if you can just have women who are willing to work for less pay?" Because the world doesn't work in simple economics sorry. And if you followed your line of thinking, why don't we hire immigrants to work 10 cents a hour? Men have a higher pay because employers believe men have higher abilities or "specialisation" as well as employers when choosing candidates for promotion tend to favour the male candidate because they believe females will have babies and whatnot. Which is called gender discrimination.

Men also have a higher death rate (which is unfortunate) due to majority of men working in more dangerous industries (mining, firefighting?): or jobs that demand more physical strength which women biologically lack.

Once again, men are physically stronger than women. They have the ability to defend themselves against physically weaker females. These shelters are for women in fear of their lives as they're unable to defend themselves against physically stronger males. Although I agree with you, there's this disconcerting attitude that males can't be raped or abused. So instead of bashing feminism, why don't you attempt to do something to correct this injustice instead of hating on feminism? I actually find there's a lot of feminists that try to raise awareness for male rape and abuse. Check out:

Mr Mr

New Member
Jan 7, 2016
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

Yeah, and that's why lets quit the whining and bitching and actually exercise the notion that we are equal (because we are), and lets shift resources into helping the East, or is that too demanding a request from the feminists who still seek an upper hand against men?
As if crying and bitching on an online forum helps feminism in the East. And you realise feminism is helping foreign countries? United Nations? Maybe you've heard of it? You seem to think feminism is one person focusing in the Western world when feminism is a collective groups of individuals around the world, actively attempting to further the cause. Are you blaming western feminists trying to correct injustices in western countries? It's like saying we shouldn't help homeless people in Australia because there's more starving Africa children outside of Australia.


Jun 3, 2014
South of here
Uni Grad
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

It all comes down to the basis on which the discrimination occurs. If it is because person X is more qualified, because they actually are; or because they have a particular sex/gender (the latter is problematic).

2nd & 3rd waves of Feminism are still problematic, it seeks to "balance" the inequality, but tipping the scales the other way, by creating a culture that effectively shames men*, and ironically gender discrimination is not the way to go about it. Yes I agree more needs to be done to ensure that injustices are dealt with.

Part of the problem is for there to be proper equality, there needs to be an understanding of the differences between men and women, both anatomically (e.g. physique), and both psychologically.

*there are reasons which some men should be ashamed for their treatment of other men and women, but the problem is the generalisation that is made.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2015
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

Yeah, totally agree with you. Like Ed and Harriet's 'This is what a feminist looks like' t-shirts, that perpetuated bare minimum pay for Mauritius women who worked in appalling working conditions, who were piled 16 in one room and left to sleep abreast and when the issue came to light, they promised an investigation and nothing progressive has occured as of yet. The West definitely knows how to treat women, :spin:

I found it hilarious (not the actual situation of the women, that's just disgusting but meh Western feminism), but that in the name of feminism, the West contributed to worsening the situation of women in Mauritius. Feminism is an ugly form of collectivism.

Mr Mr

New Member
Jan 7, 2016
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

It all comes down to the basis on which the discrimination occurs. If it is because person X is more qualified, because they actually are; or because they have a particular sex/gender (the latter is problematic).

2nd & 3rd waves of Feminism are still problematic, it seeks to "balance" the inequality, but tipping the scales the other way, by creating a culture that effectively shames men*, and ironically gender discrimination is not the way to go about it. Yes I agree more needs to be done to ensure that injustices are dealt with.

Part of the problem is for there to be proper equality, there needs to be an understanding of the differences between men and women, both anatomically (e.g. physique), and both psychologically.

*there are reasons which some men should be ashamed for their treatment of other men and women, but the problem is the generalisation that is made.
How has feminism created a culture that shames men? Instead isn't there a general societal view that feminism is a bad thing?

"2nd & 3rd waves of Feminism are still problematic, it seeks to "balance" the inequality, but tipping the scales the other way, by creating a culture that effectively shames men" Funny thing about that statement was that it was said about the previous waves of feminism (i.e. first wave). When the first wave of feminism occurred, many people like today were heavily against it. However, eventually first wave of feminism won. In the second wave of feminism, people like today were against it. Suddenly first wave of feminism didn't seem so unreasonable, votes, sure women can have that. But second wave? Absolutely ridiculous. But eventually second wave of feminism occurred and in a sense, also won. Third wave of feminism is here, people are against it. But it's human nature to change and eventually third wave of feminism will be accepted, which honestly makes me smile when people think it's a bad thing. In the future, people will see third wave feminism as a good thing and probably end up hating whatever current wave of feminism occurring. (Although I sincerely wish one day we won't need feminism).


-insert title here-
Jun 19, 2014
Outside reality
Re: Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

I am ever the more glad I am 100% homosexual, because then the straight issues that are in the line of fire of feminism don't affect me.

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