Subject Lines & Availiability (physics isn't running!!!) (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 20, 2017
a grave probably idk
(So I'm not sure about how subject timetabling works for years 11 & 12 at other schools, but at my school each subject gets put on one of 7 lines. Each line represents what subjects will be running at the same time.)

Next year I am going into year 11 and we have just received the subject lines. Unfortunately, Physics is not running at all and it was one of the main subjects I wanted to do. Only 3 out of 150 students in my year chose Physics in the original selections and the school requires 8 students for a class to run. The teacher organising subjects said yesterday that if we can find 5 more people to do it then they'll run the class. Today before we even got a chance to discuss the situation she said there was no way that Physics could be added because they would totally have to change the lines and re-interview everyone who has already been interviewed about subjects.

This teacher has also mentioned that we could do distance education, but she said that previous students have had terrible experiences with it. Our DE school is Camden Haven High and I have heard very few positive things myself. The careers advisor didn't even mention DE in my interview, only that I need to keep up with maths and that if I wanted to drop Ancient History to do Engineering Studies (one of my backups) that it would be close enough to physics.

Over the past 24 hours, my friends and I have been brainstorming some ways to convince the teachers to let Physics run. These include:
  • Physics is one of the main three sciences offered
  • I am in the top 5 students in my year and the other two are in the top 30
  • We have found three other people who are interested in doing Physics (mainly because they hate at least one of their subjects but let's not tell the teachers that)
  • scholarships, uni entrance, relevance to jobs
  • The Year 12 class next year will only have 3 students (this could go one of two ways: 1. their class is small anyway, let ours be small; or 2. we can join their class in some capacity
  • there are many subjects which have two or three classes running when they usually have less. why have exceptions been made there when we must miss out
  • distance ed seems sh*******t
  • as my friends put it "she's smart and you're not letting her be smart"

I would like to hear the opinions of you guys. I am desperate to do Physics and I am absolutely freaking out even though I know this
isn't a major life-changing issue.
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New Member
Jun 20, 2017
a grave probably idk
Oh if you're wondering, I had planned on doing Adv English, Adv Maths, Physics, Ancient History, Music, D&T (not that interested in it tbh), Ext Maths and Ext English.
I got into everything except Physics and D&T as they didn't run. Instead, I am doing Modern History and Chemistry. I don't really want to do two history subjects but I'm not that big a fan of Modern History to have it as my only history.


Active Member
Jul 15, 2018
Yep, DE sucks ass and I definitely would not recommend it, especially for physics since it is a hard subject. Push for more people to do the subject if you vcan, just enough so it can run. This happened to my school for music where 8 people chose it but it wasn't going to run. Enough complaints from both music teachers, parents calling the school and complaining, petitions and parents meeting the principal allowed it to run but it's an offline course (it's running but timetabled weirdly, so before and after school lessons etc).


New Member
Jun 20, 2017
a grave probably idk
Yep, DE sucks ass and I definitely would not recommend it, especially for physics since it is a hard subject. Push for more people to do the subject if you vcan, just enough so it can run. This happened to my school for music where 8 people chose it but it wasn't going to run. Enough complaints from both music teachers, parents calling the school and complaining, petitions and parents meeting the principal allowed it to run but it's an offline course (it's running but timetabled weirdly, so before and after school lessons etc).
Hopefully our complaints will work as well I’m willing to do classes before and after school as I will be for extensions subjects anyway.


New Member
Jul 19, 2017
Distance Ed is not terrible, you either will thrive or you will struggle. As there is no physical teacher telling you to do work, you have to be able to manage your time, and for some people that can be pretty good. its good for the high achieving students who wont have to wait until everyone is caught up. you can also dedicate some of your class time working on your weak areas and if you are far ahead enough, work on other subjects.

I do SDD through Aurora College, which is similar to the traditional distance ed, and it has worked really well. I have 2 adobe connect sessions a week (Changes for each subject, but for me its Wed morn and Friday afternoon) and the rest is free periods to work on. The teachers are unbelievable and even though i dont do a science, nor am i in yr 11 this year, their science extension program is being organised by 2 ex-uni professors . In terms of marks, i have a raw mark that is over 90, and the scaled will be higher. It was one of the best decisions i have ever made. Im not sure if Sydney students can join Aurora College, but by the sounds of things, you'll regret not trying distance ed for physics if the school does not run it.


New Member
Jun 20, 2017
a grave probably idk
OP the new phys syllabus is bs according to many (at my school anyway), so maybe try another subject that gets more b6s and your school can teach well (a lot of people at my school regret doing phys and are dropping) but if you're passionate and enjoy phys then go for it, gl
I havent even thought about the new syllabus? I'm pretty sure that's not why other's didn't pick it though. I might have to discuss it with teachers


New Member
Jun 20, 2017
a grave probably idk
Could you do physics through TAFE?
Possibly, there is one very close to home but I'm not sure how it will fit in doing TAFE at the same time, and I'm not sure if anyone else would be doing the course either. Generally TAFE in my area is for childcare/beauty or basically training for actual jobs directly.


New Member
Jun 20, 2017
a grave probably idk
Distance Ed is not terrible, you either will thrive or you will struggle. As there is no physical teacher telling you to do work, you have to be able to manage your time, and for some people that can be pretty good. its good for the high achieving students who wont have to wait until everyone is caught up. you can also dedicate some of your class time working on your weak areas and if you are far ahead enough, work on other subjects.

I do SDD through Aurora College, which is similar to the traditional distance ed, and it has worked really well. I have 2 adobe connect sessions a week (Changes for each subject, but for me its Wed morn and Friday afternoon) and the rest is free periods to work on. The teachers are unbelievable and even though i dont do a science, nor am i in yr 11 this year, their science extension program is being organised by 2 ex-uni professors . In terms of marks, i have a raw mark that is over 90, and the scaled will be higher. It was one of the best decisions i have ever made. Im not sure if Sydney students can join Aurora College, but by the sounds of things, you'll regret not trying distance ed for physics if the school does not run it.
Oh I will definitely be choosing Physics no matter what, I just hope that if I do end up doing DE its as positive as your experience is!

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