The principle of duality in the real projective plane is quite a beautiful result.
It's a stunning example of how
![](\bg_white \mathbb RP^2 )
"removes the imperfections" from
![](\bg_white \mathbb R^2 )
(To put it informally, the real projective plane is the union of
![](\bg_white \mathbb R^2 )
and a "line at infinity", with the property that parallel lines intersect on the "line at infinity".)
The principle of duality says that any theorem involving points and lines in
![](\bg_white \mathbb RP^2 )
is still true if you replace "point" with "line" and vice versa.
![](\bg_white \mathbb RP^2 )
has more interesting properties, e.g. the fact that all non-degenerate conic sections are projectively equivalent.