Well assuming the reconstruction is approximately correct now, it is clear firstly that the argument of the first root is a quarter that of a+ib.If that is the case then the answer is like this:
View attachment 33782
Was there something a bit more specific about the modulus of a+ib in the question?
Secondly that the roots are equally spaced, hence on the lines perpendicular to each other.
Thirdly that the moduli of the roots are smaller than that of a+ib, but still greater than 1.
Fourthly that since a+ib is not a real number then the roots do not occur as conjugate pairs.
Not sure how the marks would be allocated though since it is just a 2 mark question.
This is why I wanted to know more about the modulus of a+ib. If there was something more specific about that, then maybe there might be a mark associated with that too.