ATAR Estimate please! 🙏 (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 28, 2023
Hi, to anyone who is able to estimate, can I get an ATAR of 65-85 to apply to eitehr Bachelor of Arts (adjusted atar thru UNSW Gateway) or Bachelor of Business and International Studies to either UNSW or UTS?

Here are the details:
School rank - fluctuates around the 200s — 2022 was 210th, 2021 was 171st, 2020 was 362nd
Maths Standard - Rank 15/92, 2b4 (71% Trial Mark, 49% Cohort Trial Average)
English Advanced - Rank 48/70, 1b6 (67% Trial Mark, 71% for Cohort Trial Average)
English Extension 1 - Rank 3/9, 2b4, (76% Trial Mark, 74% Cohort Trial Average)
Business - Rank 12/64, 1b5 (76% Trial Mark, 54% Cohort Trial Average)
Biology - Rank 40/68 1b4, 2b3, (50% Trial Mark, 54% Cohort Trial Average)
Studies of Religion - Rank 34/54, 2b4? (68% Trial Mark, 72% Cohort Trial Average)

I also have been qualified as a resident within a low-socioeconomic area (applied thru UAC, UNSW and UTS offers confirmed); UNSW said they would offer a maximum of 10 bonus points for the ACCESS schemes. For UTS, they offer a maximum of 5 bonus points for certain courses but as of the moment I think I can get bonus points of 3-5 from English Extension 1.


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
Are you taking Studies of Religion I or II? Regardless, given this information, your performance appears to be consistent with an ATAR in the low 60's range. More specifically, that would be an ATAR between 62-64.

Your position in English Extension 1 seems to be the best compared to your other subjects. Individually, it is likely the only subject that could make a positive contribution to your ATAR at this stage. Your performance in Mathematics Standard and Business Studies is of a comparable standard, although perhaps slightly lower than English Extension 1. This indicates that there are areas of improvement that you may wish to focus on addressing as part of your preparations for your HSC exams, allowing you to perform at a higher standard in these subjects, and in turn maximise your ATAR.

The rest of your subjects are likely to undermine the contribution that the aforementioned subjects can make to your ATAR, as your position does not appear to be favourable in each of them. Based on this, you may wish to consider placing additional emphasis on your preparations for your HSC exams, so that you can improve your overall performance in each subject. The good thing is that the HSC exams contribute the remaining 50% of your overall HSC marks in your subjects, making them a great opportunity for you to enhance your overall performance and increase your chances of achieving a higher ATAR.

Overall, you are likely very close to meeting the requirement for UNSW's Bachelor of Arts through its Gateway Admission Pathway, although whether you can meet the requirement for UTS's Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of International Studies is uncertain. I would definitely recommend thoroughly preparing for your HSC exams, as your performance in them will likely be decisive in that regard.

I hope this helps! :D


∞∆ who let 'em cook dis long ∆∞
Oct 20, 2022
Hi, to anyone who is able to estimate, can I get an ATAR of 65-85 to apply to eitehr Bachelor of Arts (adjusted atar thru UNSW Gateway) or Bachelor of Business and International Studies to either UNSW or UTS?

Here are the details:
School rank - fluctuates around the 200s — 2022 was 210th, 2021 was 171st, 2020 was 362nd
Maths Standard - Rank 15/92, 2b4 (71% Trial Mark, 49% Cohort Trial Average)
English Advanced - Rank 48/70, 1b6 (67% Trial Mark, 71% for Cohort Trial Average)
English Extension 1 - Rank 3/9, 2b4, (76% Trial Mark, 74% Cohort Trial Average)
Business - Rank 12/64, 1b5 (76% Trial Mark, 54% Cohort Trial Average)
Biology - Rank 40/68 1b4, 2b3, (50% Trial Mark, 54% Cohort Trial Average)
Studies of Religion - Rank 34/54, 2b4? (68% Trial Mark, 72% Cohort Trial Average)

I also have been qualified as a resident within a low-socioeconomic area (applied thru UAC, UNSW and UTS offers confirmed); UNSW said they would offer a maximum of 10 bonus points for the ACCESS schemes. For UTS, they offer a maximum of 5 bonus points for certain courses but as of the moment I think I can get bonus points of 3-5 from English Extension 1.
im so confused the the b4,5,6 part. like for maths standard, does 2b4 mean the highest mark is a band 4 in your school?


New Member
Feb 28, 2023
Are you taking Studies of Religion I or II? Regardless, given this information, your performance appears to be consistent with an ATAR in the low 60's range. More specifically, that would be an ATAR between 62-64.

Your position in English Extension 1 seems to be the best compared to your other subjects. Individually, it is likely the only subject that could make a positive contribution to your ATAR at this stage. Your performance in Mathematics Standard and Business Studies is of a comparable standard, although perhaps slightly lower than English Extension 1. This indicates that there are areas of improvement that you may wish to focus on addressing as part of your preparations for your HSC exams, allowing you to perform at a higher standard in these subjects, and in turn maximise your ATAR.

The rest of your subjects are likely to undermine the contribution that the aforementioned subjects can make to your ATAR, as your position does not appear to be favourable in each of them. Based on this, you may wish to consider placing additional emphasis on your preparations for your HSC exams, so that you can improve your overall performance in each subject. The good thing is that the HSC exams contribute the remaining 50% of your overall HSC marks in your subjects, making them a great opportunity for you to enhance your overall performance and increase your chances of achieving a higher ATAR.

Overall, you are likely very close to meeting the requirement for UNSW's Bachelor of Arts through its Gateway Admission Pathway, although whether you can meet the requirement for UTS's Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of International Studies is uncertain. I would definitely recommend thoroughly preparing for your HSC exams, as your performance in them will likely be decisive in that regard.

I hope this helps! :D
Oh no... :( Has no one that you've estimated their ATAR for jumped over 20 ATAR? For example, with an ATAR calculation of 54 based on raw marks, but getting 75 in the actual HSC?

I know that I haven't tried as hard as I should have during Year 12, but is there really no chance of my ATAR jumping up higher?


New Member
Feb 28, 2023
Hi, I kind of referenced from someone for my post about my atar estimate. I assumed that "2b4" would basically meant that my highest bands in my exams for a certain subject would be 2 Band 4's, for example.

I took SOR 1Unit, and I also meant to say E3 for English Extension.


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
Oh no... :( Has no one that you've estimated their ATAR for jumped over 20 ATAR? For example, with an ATAR calculation of 54 based on raw marks, but getting 75 in the actual HSC?

I know that I haven't tried as hard as I should have during Year 12, but is there really no chance of my ATAR jumping up higher?
I am personally unaware of anyone who may have been in that position, although this does not necessarily suggest that significant improvement is not possible. As I mentioned, your HSC exams contribute the remaining 50% of your HSC marks across your subjects. This means that, if you do your utmost to prepare and perform well in your HSC exams, your ATAR can end up being significantly higher than this estimate.

Hi, I kind of referenced from someone for my post about my atar estimate. I assumed that "2b4" would basically meant that my highest bands in my exams for a certain subject would be 2 Band 4's, for example.

I took SOR 1Unit, and I also meant to say E3 for English Extension.
When requesting ATAR estimates, students typically include the number of band 6's achieved at their school in each of their subjects, not their own band range. This information can be found on HSCninja.


New Member
Feb 28, 2023
Jimmy, I've one last question.

Based on your assessment of me, what subjects do you think I should do my utmost best? Or put most of my effort into? Should it be Biology and English Advanced, since they are my weakest?


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
Jimmy, I've one last question.

Based on your assessment of me, what subjects do you think I should do my utmost best? Or put most of my effort into? Should it be Biology and English Advanced, since they are my weakest?
I think that this is a good observation. Directing your attention towards the subjects where your position is least favourable is a good approach to your preparations because it will assist you in improving your overall performance (in Biology and English Advanced in this case). This would prevent these subjects from undermining the positive contribution that some of your other subjects can make to your ATAR and, if you perform at a high enough standard, can also result in your lowest-performing subjects making a positive contribution to your ATAR. With that being said, you should also avoid ignoring your other subjects.

I wish you the best of luck with your HSC exams! You can do it! :D🙏

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