2024 HSC Chat (14 Viewers)

Average Boreduser

Rising Renewal
Jun 28, 2022
So I’ve devised my holiday study plan, starting Monday: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...ouid=108787009400839789213&rtpof=true&sd=true.

What do y’all think of it. The most ambitious thing is definitely the mx2 unit a day, which will probs take up abt 2-3 hrs of each day, especially with me teaching myself the content. The idea behind this was to get maths out of the way and done so I can start the hsc year doing practise papers. I of course blocked two weeks out just to study for my immanent upcoming test. For eco I’m doing a similar thing where I hope to write my study notes for the term. And religion, English and modern are a bit of afterthought cause I’ve already been tested for them last term, and cause they’re easy subjects that work well starting the study in the lead up to the test. Anyway, what do y’all think? Too ambitious? Not ambitious enough? Did I miss anything glaringly?
Vectors 4U in 3 days 💀 Dude you're gonna burn out quickly. Aim for like 3-4 hrs each day (and even this is a stretch) because the amount you're subjecting to yourself is very clearly not sustainable nor healthy. It's about efficiency and spacing everything out. With the way you've planned your days out, just seems like you're studying for the sake of 'studying'. I can guarantee you, once you finish what seems to be like 8 hrs of study, you won't feel like you actually did much and may start adding more hours to compensate this. This cycle will just keep circling. You won't feel productive as your mind needs a break, as does any other biological component in a human. As a result, you'll be blankly studying without retaining any of that information.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2023
Vectors 4U in 3 days 💀 Dude you're gonna burn out quickly. Aim for like 3-4 hrs each day (and even this is a stretch) because the amount you're subjecting to yourself is very clearly not sustainable nor healthy. It's about efficiency and spacing everything out. With the way you've planned your days out, just seems like you're studying for the sake of 'studying'. I can guarantee you, once you finish what seems to be like 8 hrs of study, you won't feel like you actually did much and may start adding more hours to compensate this. This cycle will just keep circling. You won't feel productive as your mind needs a break, as does any other biological component in a human. As a result, you'll be blankly studying without retaining any of that information.
100% agree with this


New Member
May 7, 2022
So I’ve devised my holiday study plan, starting Monday: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...ouid=108787009400839789213&rtpof=true&sd=true.

What do y’all think of it. The most ambitious thing is definitely the mx2 unit a day, which will probs take up abt 2-3 hrs of each day, especially with me teaching myself the content. The idea behind this was to get maths out of the way and done so I can start the hsc year doing practise papers. I of course blocked two weeks out just to study for my immanent upcoming test. For eco I’m doing a similar thing where I hope to write my study notes for the term. And religion, English and modern are a bit of afterthought cause I’ve already been tested for them last term, and cause they’re easy subjects that work well starting the study in the lead up to the test. Anyway, what do y’all think? Too ambitious? Not ambitious enough? Did I miss anything glaringly?
that looks awful lol, I went through all of my syllabus with a lot less work than that. here was my sorta schedule, with me working for about 5 hours on most days and still hanging out with my friends and doing stuff with them at pretty much every opportunity

start of holidays-a bit after new years: literally nothing and then got bored and decided to start studying
the next week: spent most evenings until late learning the mx2 course with mcgrathematics and then doing chapter reviews (only studied late so my family couldn’t see me studying in the holidays lol)
the next week: went to the beach!
the next few days after that: finished mx2 and do my first past paper for it
the next week: took a break, then binged the Edrolo for chemistry and did the past hsc questions after each module
the next week: also took a break and then learnt the whole physics course, this one overlapped a bit into the school term though but that was ok

obviously this sort of thing won’t work for everyone because im extremely weird, was super motivated, am a pretty quick learner and was interested in learning the courses, and you have quite different subjects etc but my point is I had a pretty enjoyable holidays anyway, you really don’t have to exhaust yourself to get a lot done, and tbh your schedule just isn’t realistic like do you really think there won’t be a single day where you just don’t feel like doing anything and fall behind.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2015
Uni Grad
Ngl after a week of going to bed at 4 and waking up 12 I’ve gotta say this ain’t it
Practicing for shift work?
Going to work at 7pm and getting home at 7:30am, sleeping till 5pm, one day off then have to get up and start work at 7am-7:30pm rip
Rinse repeat.
Don’t be a nurse.


Rising Renewal
Apr 7, 2022
somewhere in the milky way
you like it???
yes i like sor, i think that plays a part in the marks i receive aha
sor is a subject where everything links between syllabus points within a topic and i like that

guys all nighters are underrated
had 2 back-to-back on the weekend lol


don't worry, be happy
Apr 30, 2022
yes i like sor, i think that plays a part in the marks i receive aha
sor is a subject where everything links between syllabus points within a topic and i like that

had 2 back-to-back on the weekend lol
I just did that TOO! OMG
I feel like I'm on another planet rn

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