med (1 Viewer)


academic liability
Aug 10, 2023
it's wack dux of his school got a wsu interview as well with 99.8 and the same ucat but didn't get an offer

my brother thinks it's bcz she didn't have wsu med as her 1st pref

luck has to be a factor in this πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½
so low atar high ucat, will gws not help at all πŸ’€


Jun 25, 2022
i remember watching a vid where they said wsu was 25% ucat + 75% interview weighting so prolly this
found the vid... can someone fact check it (its 3 years old so prolly a bit outdated) to see if its roughly right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Wait, hold on. So if I start a 5yr degree this year, I will be labelled as an undergraduate until I graduate right.

So with med, what are the entry requirements for most uni's, as someone 1st/2nd year in a 5 year undergraduate degree.

Is it ATAR (meet min requirement) + UCAT... OR WAM + UCAT??

Any clarification on this would be much appreciated, thanks! :)
i think they might consider wam if it's better than atar based on some conversion system not too sure how it works


dentista 😍🫢
Apr 10, 2023
Wait, hold on. So if I start a 5yr degree this year, I will be labelled as an undergraduate until I graduate right.

So with med, what are the entry requirements for most uni's, as someone 1st/2nd year in a 5 year undergraduate degree.

Is it ATAR (meet min requirement) + UCAT... OR WAM + UCAT??

Any clarification on this would be much appreciated, thanks! :)
some unis take whichever is higher whereas others rely solely on wam/atar. eg. im pretty sure wsu relies on atar but csu relies on gpa, ur gonna have to check with the specific uni, call them up maybe?


Oct 28, 2022
Getting deported
some unis take whichever is higher whereas others rely solely on wam/atar. eg. im pretty sure wsu relies on atar but csu relies on gpa, ur gonna have to check with the specific uni, call them up maybe?
Hey it would help if you guys could help clarify a few questions that I have about med as im not deadset on it yet but want the option and ill be trying for ucat this year.
1) lets say i do a undergrad degree in unsw this year and also sit ucat, and apply for wsu med. Would they care about my atar or would they care about the gpa i get or WAM (unsw specific)? because i might do a tough degree like actuary since I don't want to go on the deadset med route- i have many interests; and i want to be exposed to these different fields. Also how does the GWS thing work like lowered requirement if i just live in gws?? Would a person moving there also work hypothetically?? (asking for understanding the system)

2) Please help me understand the diff between post and udnergrad med. Postgrad is if i do like a health science degree and then apply for med, but its not guaranteed right?? Could someone explain the unsw system where u do medical science and they transfer u do medicine in second year or something so 2 years of med sci + 5 years of doctor of med??? please im quite confused on this, is it like guaranteed entry or like is this classified as post grad or undergrad bc ur going in ur second year??

3) How is the medical science/pre med pathways different to undergrad? You don't finish the degree and wait to transfer into the medicine course right? How does that work is it soley based on gpa and stuff? Is it like an extra thing u can do so u have multiple chances to get into med, so either the atar undergrad pathway or also a chance to move up directly?
Like if i did a different degree which is harder than med sci, i get a lower gpa compared to people gunning for med who are doing med sci so do they get the spots instead of me?? or is there different spots reserved for people who are doing medical science as in they are a different pool through which the selection occurs.

I just mainly want to know about the medical science pathway since im very confused on the difference between taking it vs doing another degree to get into undergrad med pls helpp?? also how does finishing med sci and then applying for postgrad med differ?
If someone could provide some input for this id be eternally grateful

EDIT: for unsw i found this is called the lateral entry scheme for medical science: www (remove the space after www)
so this is separate for medical science students in second year. I'm still a bit confused because what about first year, they can also apply first year using their atar and sitting ucat again right??

--> also is this different for usyd and other unis?
Ive been interested in WSU as well, if anyone knew about that?

so so sorry for the long read but i really need this information by today thanks 😭


Oct 28, 2022
Getting deported
Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 7.25.10β€―pm.png
also can someone please explain this for WSU ??
it says that those with current uni study are assessed based on gpa. Does this mean that my atar is not useful for this uni anymore if i commence undergrad this year?

--> also i heard medical science at unsw is competitive and toxic but does this make it harder to get a high gpa??


Aug 17, 2020
Hey it would help if you guys could help clarify a few questions that I have about med as im not deadset on it yet but want the option and ill be trying for ucat this year.
1) lets say i do a undergrad degree in unsw this year and also sit ucat, and apply for wsu med. Would they care about my atar or would they care about the gpa i get or WAM (unsw specific)? because i might do a tough degree like actuary since I don't want to go on the deadset med route- i have many interests; and i want to be exposed to these different fields. Also how does the GWS thing work like lowered requirement if i just live in gws?? Would a person moving there also work hypothetically?? (asking for understanding the system)

2) Please help me understand the diff between post and udnergrad med. Postgrad is if i do like a health science degree and then apply for med, but its not guaranteed right?? Could someone explain the unsw system where u do medical science and they transfer u do medicine in second year or something so 2 years of med sci + 5 years of doctor of med??? please im quite confused on this, is it like guaranteed entry or like is this classified as post grad or undergrad bc ur going in ur second year??

3) How is the medical science/pre med pathways different to undergrad? You don't finish the degree and wait to transfer into the medicine course right? How does that work is it soley based on gpa and stuff? Is it like an extra thing u can do so u have multiple chances to get into med, so either the atar undergrad pathway or also a chance to move up directly?
Like if i did a different degree which is harder than med sci, i get a lower gpa compared to people gunning for med who are doing med sci so do they get the spots instead of me?? or is there different spots reserved for people who are doing medical science as in they are a different pool through which the selection occurs.

I just mainly want to know about the medical science pathway since im very confused on the difference between taking it vs doing another degree to get into undergrad med pls helpp?? also how does finishing med sci and then applying for postgrad med differ?
If someone could provide some input for this id be eternally grateful

EDIT: for unsw i found this is called the lateral entry scheme for medical science: www (remove the space after www)
so this is separate for medical science students in second year. I'm still a bit confused because what about first year, they can also apply first year using their atar and sitting ucat again right??

--> also is this different for usyd and other unis?
Ive been interested in WSU as well, if anyone knew about that?

so so sorry for the long read but i really need this information by today thanks 😭
to answer ur first question bcz I didn't read the rest yet
this is smth that wsu clarified to me over phone call yesterday. with wsu med, your more competitive result will be considered between ATAR and GPA. if ur ATAR is more competitive than ur GPA at the point of ur application, then ur ATAR will get looked, and vice versa. so it's not both it's just the more competitive result

with gws I saw it on wsu's site on general med applicants, and basically ur eligible if you live in one of the listed postcodes, the condition is that you've been living in a gws for at least 5 years iirc so no if ur moving there you're not eligible

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