I am really bad at english but i am somehow doing good (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 29, 2024
Ok i'm going to give it blunt, I am extremely bad at English, yes really bad. Can't write an essay for shit , can't write a narrative can't do anything. I don't read any of the texts or anything. My tutor has been carrying my internal mark for English as I have just been memorising his essays and getting lucky and getting good marks, but if I were to write an essay from scratch or narrative I genuinely can't without the aid of ChatGPT. Subsequently my rank for English is somehow really good (for my standards) , but I know deep down I do not deserve it at all. As all i do is just memorise, however this method has been working for me but I am unsure of what to do when Trials or HSC comes, where I am afraid memorising isn't enough? Could anyone please assist me , as my trial exam is coming up I dont think the gap from now to trials will be a lot significantly but I hope by the HSC i get good.


Unknown Member
May 8, 2021
in your walls
Ok i'm going to give it blunt, I am extremely bad at English, yes really bad. Can't write an essay for shit , can't write a narrative can't do anything. I don't read any of the texts or anything. My tutor has been carrying my internal mark for English as I have just been memorising his essays and getting lucky and getting good marks, but if I were to write an essay from scratch or narrative I genuinely can't without the aid of ChatGPT. Subsequently my rank for English is somehow really good (for my standards) , but I know deep down I do not deserve it at all. As all i do is just memorise, however this method has been working for me but I am unsure of what to do when Trials or HSC comes, where I am afraid memorising isn't enough? Could anyone please assist me , as my trial exam is coming up I dont think the gap from now to trials will be a lot significantly but I hope by the HSC i get good.
honestly the only advice i have for you from here on out is to take the L and practise adapting the essays your tutor has written for you to different past papers (a skill that is easier to develop than writing essays or narratives it seems) because i know that you used the time you could have used to improve your english to instead let your tutor and chatgpt carry you and that you would rather keep the marks and ranks you have now than fall off suddenly during trials and hsc (you need to practise your adapting especially if the essay you wrote isn’t yours so you can familiarise urself deeply with the content and find it easier to adjust the essay in an exam). if you do fall off during trials and hsc - especially with extract questions - then you only have yourself to blame

also i hope you know how to answer short answer questions, neither ur tutor or chatgpt can save you there


New Member
Jun 29, 2024
honestly the only advice i have for you from here on out is to take the L and practise adapting the essays your tutor has written for you to different past papers (a skill that is easier to develop than writing essays or narratives it seems) because i know that you used the time you could have used to improve your english to instead let your tutor and chatgpt carry you and that you would rather keep the marks and ranks you have now than fall off suddenly during trials and hsc (you need to practise your adapting especially if the essay you wrote isn’t yours so you can familiarise urself deeply with the content and find it easier to adjust the essay in an exam). if you do fall off during trials and hsc - especially with extract questions - then you only have yourself to blame

also i hope you know how to answer short answer questions, neither ur tutor or chatgpt can save you there

when you said “because i know that you used the time you could have used to improve your english” I am aware of this however I just had no idea how to study it, in class I would miss a lesson and I would be confused what the text is about , Im just not an English person more of a science/ maths person. But yeah If i knew how to study English i wouldnt have this problem, the conventional thing people always said was to read books which I always thought was a waste of time. Oh well , do you recommend me to read the texts properly because I only know the basics of each text or spend more time adapting. When im adapting how do I know what I am doing is correct?

If you were in my situation as well How should i start preparing for short answers


Unknown Member
May 8, 2021
in your walls
a lot of studying english for me ended up just being reading the text, taking notes with whatever the teacher said, looked through sparknotes / litcharts and then write essay drafts that got feedback. it did take time but with each draft and with each piece of feedback i found that i was able to understand my text more through it. depending on how long your texts are you could probably skim through them or just read an extensive litcharts summary on it, with the amount of time you have left i think working on polishing your essays and adapting them should be your best choice from here. ask your tutor to check with you that you're adapting your essay to the question properly

for short answer i'd work on doing 1-2 past papers per week and getting feedback on them and also narrowing the area i needed help with. i tended to always lose a mark or two with 6 markers so i focused a lot on polishing those

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