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  • haha LOOL yeah mate if you want =P
    LOOL yeah same i full try and study (cos ive got half yearlies first thing back) but i either get too tired or cbf feeling
    nah not much, just went to library to study
    Hey man hows it going?
    Was your page full of seizure colours like a few ago??
    What happened to it LOOL
    Wish the best for you, man. Been through relationship issues and I can say, it's not one of the best feelings in the world... Take care.
    okay i shall sleep zzzz.

    meet was okay, i only talked to a few people cos i had my own things to do.
    only a very select few know who i am. (you, jnney, spiral)
    they've been alrite, haven't been able to get much school work done lol.

    no, that person doesn't know LOL. send me your plan >:]
    during your jigging days we can drink coffee and live the old life lmfao.

    zzzz im so tired.
    unsw, uws. i dont think im going to try out for interstate. if i dont get in, doesn't matter. i love science anyways, and i can always reapply for med again.

    i seriously cannot wait for uni.
    LOL come to my office in 10 years and ill give you drugs foh free:)

    i've never bludged so much in my life since year 10. wbu? :D
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