Well I feel like it'd be easier to determine what the question could be if you had practice questions you were given by teachers, and also it's REALLY not useful to predict the question beforehand because in the future it could kind of be anything and you will just have to adapt your essay to...
Well I feel like if you included any more quotes you wouldn't really have time to have detailed analysis, I find 4 quotes per paragraph a bit much LOL. Like I think generally an essay at abt 1k words is reasonable for 40 mins
Its a lot of self study and you need a lot of self discipline LOL. Essentially there's online coursework which are split into modules and you have to complete one module every week. Each module will have a "focus task" which is basically homework that you have to complete so you can get feedback...
From what I've been told by my teacher, the classification only really matters in terms of ensuring that your work can be marked accurately. Like, for a work to be marked accurately, it'd need to be marked by someone who specialises in that specific medium and can identify the level of technical...
So, I'm learning Spanish beginners through NSL so I can't really help you in the aspect of textbooks or resources, but some general tips would be to definitely take the time to familiarise yourself with the grammar and the way that verb conjugation works!! You don't really have to worry about...
So basically I recently got back an in-class essay back, I did pretty well and got 18/20 but I'm still wondering how I can improve in the future bc the harshness of y11 marking compared to y10 has crushed me LMAO. The issue with my essay was that apparently it was "relatively short and...