Recent content by frenchic

  1. frenchic

    Who's doing a critical analysis?? I need help!!!

    hahaha meg!!! well at least i tried to explain it to you... and it was someone else who told me about the whole second voice thing...
  2. frenchic

    Distinction Courses

    I got my login stuff for the website today and I emailed the course coordinator about the pack. I have a sneaking suspicion they got my address wrong, cause when I was logging into the website, my address was wrong...dear oh dear lol
  3. frenchic

    Distinction Courses

    I still havent gotten my comp. lit. stuff and it was supposed to come at about the same time as cosmology...arrrrrgh! :(
  4. frenchic

    What subjects are you doing?

    SOR Maths Economics Business Studies 4U English Ukrainian (accelerated) Comparative literature yay i got in!!! Hmm 15 units altogether lol, but doing 13 this year
  5. frenchic

    Distinction Courses

    i think its only band 6, thought it said somehwhere on the distinction website...hmmm, i got 98 in ukrainian dont know how that happened lol
  6. frenchic

    Distinction Courses

    does anyone know when we get the materials from unis? is it around late december early jan? thanx...
  7. frenchic

    Distinction Courses

    yepp i remember you katie, didnt you also do 15 units for the hsc. Since i got accepted into comp.lit., altogether with the accelerated course I have 15 units too lol. I hope comp.lit is not too hard.... congrats lexie and bookie!!!
  8. frenchic

    Distinction Courses

    OMG OMG OMG I GOT INTO COMPARATIVE LITERATURE...INSANE this was not meant to happyyyyyyyyyyy OMG, goodluck to everyone who hasnt heard
  9. frenchic

    2006 critical responders!

    I think you should research into it, maybe read a few myths/legends to get some ideas, read analytical/critical stuff on the topic, figure out your main legends/myths that you going to use. I dont have a totally definite question/topic yet, but my proposal isnt due till next year lol, so i am...
  10. frenchic

    Secondhand Book Stores

    i usually get some of my textbooks for school from T's bookshop at 136-138 Avoca St Randwick NSW 2031 ph: (02) 9399 5642 but they have plenty of other books as well. There is also unsw second hand, dont know much about it though
  11. frenchic

    1st Assessment - Globalisation task

    we are not allowed to any of the case studies in the textbooks so thats: china, brazil and poland., which is a shame. i am going insane now trying to finish mine off, doing it on hungary
  12. frenchic

    2006 critical responders!

    That is so original!!! How did you even think of that lol...icelandic? I would love to read the final piece....i dont know much about the country it self, alone about its literature
  13. frenchic

    Subjects- 'What not to pick...'

    OMG i agree with you 100%, ext 2 is the best escpecially if you love what you are writing about, while business is sooooo boring, i am so stupid since i am still keeping it for this year...
  14. frenchic

    Distinction Courses

    lol, i was referring 2 those that r accelerated, so basically 2 us. hope that makes sense lol