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  • I'm hoping for band 6 in business actually :p

    UGH. Don't even get me STARTED with english. Probably the subject I failed the most at. I made up the extended response :cry:
    We had to write about Othello and I just made up quotes :uhoh:
    and the analysis we had to write was terrible too. I didn't remember character names or what the hell we were meant to be analysing (didnt even read the texts)
    I will die when I get my exams back. Screwed up my 3u maths and it has a 100% weighting :cry:
    I had an advantage too. Like 10/13 people in my class did physics which was before 3u :p
    I blizzed business studies :p

    Literally, and not just saying this to sound smart or whatever. But I actually did nothing all year in business studies. Didn't listen in class, didn't do homework, did assignments the day before it was due+never touched my textbook...
    and I overall came 4th.

    Feels good to know that I beat people who tried... as bitchy as that sounds. LOL.

    My other subjects? >_>
    I haven't got anything else back yet. HAHA.

    Boo. If you need help I think I am on tomorrow night time or afternoon (late). You probably do not need my help anyway. Just checking human, I may not be able to assist you competently in various topics. Just thought i'd help another delicious human.
    Hopefully I can lure some delicious humans. I found that the greatest fallacy of a human being is their emotion. Apart from that they are delicious and easy to convince.
    Okay then! I hope all is smooth then. Remember at the end of the day the HSC is just a piece of paper. I eat paper.
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