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  • I liked the last season, but only for the fact that it answered questions, in my opinion the second half of the alst season got too...american, if that makes sense. Expediency trumped suspense, there was no slow reveal, things just happened without much explanation, whereas previously there was always a reason for everything.
    wrong profile...unless thats a message for me :p now recommend a movie sweetcheeks
    I support liberty,
    and the freedom of individuals to do as they please,
    and the ability for corporations to suceed from the tyranny of government
    insofar as it does not relate to me being in any position of power

    i am graney
    bos mod
    lol hypocrite lol
    i heart you right now for some's weird, i just got this wave of warmth towards you and felt an incredible desire to give u a hug, an e-hug will have to do instead
    i saw your thread. I think that transition to IRL friends changes the experience, for the better, it becomes less scary, more legitimate, it goes from interacting with internet friends, to interacting with friends through the internet. your problem isnt BoS, your problem is you dont have anybody to connect with IRL, hence, u must come to Meat.
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