Recent content by HanT

  1. HanT

    How Have You Changed?

    dang, thats gotta sting. i'm sure things will pick up at uni :) HSC blows...but its nearly over!!
  2. HanT

    Exam Superstitions??

    same hey. then do you go back and check them to see if one of those might be wrong? or if you can't find anything wrong with them you get a little bit worried! haha i do.
  3. HanT

    Thoughts on Studies of Religion

    seeing as there's no posts for religion, i thought i'd start one! any thoughts on the two courses? or the exams for that matter...seeing as they're in three days!
  4. HanT


    Its so bad...yet I admit I LOLed!!
  5. HanT


    that's pretty much the point of the joke, me thinks.
  6. HanT


    Whats the difference between a ferrari and ten dead babies? I don't have a ferrari in my garage.
  7. HanT

    HSC English Markers

    its actually a pretty worrying thought. Now you cant BS your way thru the texts! ha ha
  8. HanT

    Would I be shooting myself in the foot if I write about a snail for my creative?

    Agree with Pacchiru. it's definately original! stick with it, just develop it so the language is sophisticated and it won't sound like a kid's story. good luck!
  9. HanT

    Only one making NOtes STILL?

    So it looks like a few people, including myself are still finalising notes. Phew! Is anyone else crapping themselves about the HSC?:cold:
  10. HanT

    What r u all up 2?

    ha! mine was totally the same!! she knew i was a lost cause so she'd just try and help when she could. it'll be interesting to see the marks we get...
  11. HanT

    You've F*CKED up EX2 and you KNOW it.

    I am worried that my MW won't be good enough, especially compared to the other person in my class, cause hers was awesome and the teacher loved it. Sadly, not mine though. :( So I guess I know where you're coming from. But try not to stress, I'm sure its a lot better than you think. Maybe you...
  12. HanT

    The 'I'm finished EE2 for 2008' thread.

    we got our teacher a present too, for putting up with us!!
  13. HanT

    The 'I'm finished EE2 for 2008' thread.

    We handed ours in on friday 22nd and the school bound them for us. we got to see them before they were sent off. its very satisfying. But i'm definately sad its over. I loved that class. ((the whole two of us!!)) ha ha
  14. HanT

    Extension Two Due Tomorrow!!

    Anyone else excited/nervous/scared/sad?? I'm a mix of all of the above! sad cause it was my favourite subject and now its over! :(
  15. HanT

    Critique my Major Work? Last minute major change!

    I only read the first paragraph so far, but its sounding good. Is that within the 6000-8000 word limit? It doesn't seem like it, is all. But you're probably working hard to get it in on Friday. So far so good I say. Good luck with it!!