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  • Oh God. I misspelt 'postmodern'. Now I'm dwelling on hyper-postmodernism. *world gets sucked into black hole of literary proportions*
    All the best for Extension tomorrow! I will reply to the email when my brain is not addled by postodernist theory, paradigms and paradoxes! Hahaha. =]
    Hi HD, sorry about yesterday, i sent you a message ^-^
    How was your day today? Ttys
    My views? On religion? Science? Sexuality? haha... I have many views

    P.S. Although this is a little intrusive since you have your gender disclosed: What is your gender? XD haha

    I hope your day at school was good.

    I like your little intellectual joke in your sig. And the post that Tulia made, about Narnia, I fully rofled!!! Great to see it in someone's sig.

    It should be immortalised.
    far out i keep trying to pos rep you but i can't :( well i owe you a shitload of pos rep now :) jsut to let you know.
    yea. I used to listen to punk rock, and rap/hiphop/rnb lol.
    then a friend of mine got me into Rammstein (german industrial metal), and that pretty much got me into metal :)
    i'll check them out then :)

    the weird thing is, after listening to death metal so often, i find 'clean vocals' weird, since im so used to growls, lol.
    But with death metal (especially melodic dm), the lack of vocal variations means there is much more focus on the music, and THAT's the reason i find some bands, like insomnium, absolutely amazing, or other bands, like nightrage, just plain awesome.
    lol i didnt like dark passion play. a band? no i havnt heard of it.

    just so you know, the music i listen to is quite insane stuff to other normal ppl :eek:
    but insomnium is just amazing.
    yes vocals are rawr, but their music is absolutely amazing.
    yes i listen to some nightwish, oceanborn is their best album imo.
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