I was just offered a place in comb law at usyd (sci/law) and I was wondering how the law part would work. From what I have gathered, you do the law part as your elective (6cp).
Also, would it be possible to push the entire law component to the end of the degree - i.e. do ONLY science...
I'm looking to do Adv maths at usyd next year and want to do the SSP program for maths (1906).
There's some ambiguity flying about for the entry requirements - is it 95 + for 4u as absolute cutoff? Or are all who are in BSc(Adv maths) automatically enrolled if they don't cock up the 4u...
Got a pretty bad UMAT, 76% (165 score so approx 56.6), but I'm probably going to get a high ATAR (predicted aggregate is 466-470, so around 99.7).
What are my chances of an interview (and when do they come out)?
If you do 4 units of English (ie Adv, Ex 1, Ex 2) and a total of 12 units (ie 4 maths, chem, phys) - if Adv English is your worst, will Ex 1 and Ex 2 eng count as the mandatory 2units of english?
Hey, you don't know me, but I found your drop box with its plethora of amazing past papers. It's down now, is that a permanent thing? Please, if you can, put it back up? :)
I am in year 11 and at the end of this year I ranked 2nd in chemistry (by a rounding error!).
I know the HSC course (industrial chem as option) with regards to knowledge.
But the thing is - in exams I get around 85-90% raw mark and always get screwed over on those 7mk questions and pesky little...
Let's face it - all creative writing follows some sort of scaffold; ie:
Intro - Link the stimulus to some sort of horrible event in history (ie the Holocaust, Vietnam, some other war/tradgedy)
Then proceed to establish a vague, metaphysical setting in which the narrator introduces a central...