Recent content by kozmickandie

  1. K

    Along Came Polly

    It seems really typical of a romantic comedy
  2. K

    Haunted cabin at IT CAMP

    I must agree, reality is really raw n boring
  3. K

    IT orientation camp

    wow, its just around the corner now!
  4. K

    UTS Textbook List

    mine don't appear either.
  5. K


    I don't care much about hairdying altho it does look funky :)
  6. K

    IT Orientation Camp (16th - 18th Feb)

    nah no questions, sounds good.
  7. K


    They're just diaries dude, lol. Use them as scrap paper.
  8. K


    lol, so what faculty does it belong to? Science, right?
  9. K


    what is biotech anyway??
  10. K

    B Bus and B Comp

    Yeah but that's what i like about it
  11. K

    So who is enrolling on firday?

    haha, and he doesn't even know it yet.
  12. K

    IT orientation camp

    What do you do on the camp??? I got an offer but no info about the camp.
  13. K

    2004 Enrolment Details (20th - 23rd Jan)

    Is there an enrolment fee because I can't find any information about that.
  14. K

    2003 UAIs

    congrats everyone on the UAIs!
  15. K

    B Bus and B Comp

    Oh Yeah! I got in too :) I hope it's a good course and don't regret it... perhaps I should have chosen plain Business.