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  • Haha awkward. I remember having to tell my teacher i wanter to drop english ext (sucked as after the bomb looked interesting).
    I <3 modern. WWI is quite interesting. Can't wait to get into conflict in Europe though.
    Cheers for the rep. Will rep back when i can.
    Used to go around telling people to take as many units as possible. Then the workload of the HSC hit me. (and i only do 12)
    Good luck with the majors works! Must be such a time sucker along with chem and the content filled bio and all :L
    Oh well, in the end you'll probs reap the rewards with the hard work and high scaling :)
    ohh ok. You must be pretty smart, going into exams with pure natural ability. I usually do that but some times are more sucessful than others, depending on the creative energy i have that day; so if the HSC day creativeness is not so good... :L

    History Ext sounds interesting but maybe it'll be too much work with ext 2 english and society's major work. That's the only difference between our subjects- society - lol.
    ohh ok. You must be pretty smart, going into exams with pure natural ability. I usually do that but some times are more sucessful than others, depending on the creative energy i have that day; so if the HSC day creativeness is not so good... :L

    History Ext sounds interesting but maybe it'll be too much work with ext 2 english and society's major work. That's the only difference between our subjects lol.
    Hahah yea, i legitamately love all your subjects and they match my preferences exactly. I love my sciences too! Was contemplating doing physics also, but probably wouldn't have been the best idea seeing as it is problem solving :L Not particularly my forte.
    Awesome, Ext English 1+2. But aren't u worried about the volatile nature of the questions? Being subjective and all; like if u prepare a story for the HSC exam and then u have to manipulate it to fit the question? I'm worried about that, because what if we suddenly have writers block :O??
    What are you thinking for ext2? Story? Speech?
    Also, for history ext, do u have to go out and collect info for the project :S?
    hey, u replied to my thread and i just realised you are doing all the subjects for your HSC that I'm interested in :) How do u like ext 1/2 english? And what you do for history ext?
    hey I'm sorry if somebody's asked this before, but do you cope well with your current subjects? Like time management and all that.
    ooh driving! me, i've gone back to swimming *yay*. school is slightly better than year 11. trying to balance time with other things so i dont melt. good luck on your ballet exam! :D
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