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  • I Am quite taken with you; And err if you wanted to spend Friday
    night at mine, instead of waiting for saturday, u are more than welcome
    too *blush* <3 u
    just had a naughty thought, i'm going to be working in the city, and you go to school in the city. afternoon trysts are a possibility :p
    so bored right now, only got 2.5 hours sleep last night, then had to work :(. Got far too carried away last night, but i got to see people who i havent seen in ageeeeees. How has your weekend been?

    Back in Sydney. Was nice to come back to your messages <3, was a tiring and draining two days, i had to pretend to be straight again around my new work people, which i haven't done in about 4 years, and wondering whether to add people to facebook to spill the beans about my homosexuality early, or just let it come out naturally. *sigh*

    but enough about me, how is your first few days back at school? Sorry that your not sleeping :(, i will try fill your profile page again <3.

    Baring any acts of god, or major family emergencies, i am so looking forward to next saturday, and extra bonus which i forgot about, 'rents are away in hobart, so we can sneak back to mine for cuddling without awkard *who is that* looks, should the mood strike!

    Anywhoo, enjoy this weekend, hugs and kisses, and more hugs.

    Lol, sorry to disappoint. Aren't most of the gay group guys anyway? Wouldn't want to intrude on bonding time.
    Oh Jacob...you are verging on making me throw up, haha I still dig ya but your lovey-doveyness is really making me sick...my cold, evil heart can only tolerate so much gooey cheesiness and you sir are giving me cholesterol issues. XD
    going to Canberra on Wednesday/Thursday/Friday, i think i will miss our sparkling repartee carried out through visitor messages :(.
    "I'm glad I left, and that Townie came with me :]"

    My goodness, lol why don't you just marry him already. =P

    Well, it's kinda good we're opposites I reckon..will teach me how to be less sensitive, and maybe teach you to a bit more sensitive...we'll balance eachother out!
    To Townie: You could've joined Matt and I last night! We went to FIVE different clubs. =P
    ack! study in the holidays, i used to hate that.... when do you go back to school?

    But yes, i feel i've missed out on Oxford street, i've just never really had anybody to go with.
    Lol, leave me alone I have sensitivity issues!!...I actually really do haha, you won't believe how angry I got with one of my boyfriends for changing his display picture on MSN of a pic of him and I to something else.....I was so angry that I cried for at least a few hours and refused to speak to him for a few days...I was 15 at the time but still, I'd probably have a similar reaction now excect now I'd probably scream at him as opposed to ignore him. XD I still think I was entitled to be angry, I edited that picture and made it all pretty specifically for him and to show to the world, and he only kept it on for a few hours....but perhaps my reaction was a bit much lol.

    They gave you WORK over the holidays!??! That is child cruelty.,....
    thats pretty good
    as long as you enjoy the subjects is all that matters most
    yeah, english ext 2 is awesome, wow ur friend is very talented :)
    i enjoy legal studies and english so i thought well a career in law must be good
    and i love watching judge judy lolz
    I admire the commitment to studying too....but like, what the hell can you be studying on school holidays!?! Maybe I'm just lazy, but I've never studied during the holidays ever, I'm like....what is there to study!?!? o_O
    "but yes, of course he is a sweetheart, I wouldn't hang out with him if he didn't have plenty of things to compensate for that one thing I dislike about him.

    Well... maybe..."

    MAYBE!?!?!?! I didn't mind the other part (I don't throw myself at people I don't know unless they're good-looking, because if they turn out to be assholes which is 99.9% the case at least I enjoyed the sex..to me, that's having brains and self-respect), but THAT!?!?!? I'm shocked at you! lol But I love how you have the decency to talk about me where I can read it. XD
    i am quite inexperienced for my age i'll have you know. I'm not exactly fighting men off with a stick :p. Which in a way is good, now i have time for you :D.

    And you are more charming, complimentary and huggable than i could ever hope to be.

    *kiss back*
    awwwwwwh, you make me feel warm and fuzzy like i haven't in a long, long, long time. when we were sitting on the barrier just before oxford street, i could have stayed like that for a lot, lot longer. the feeling is completely and utterly mutual.
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