For someone aspiring to be a lawyer ... she should know that this case will fall through. Yes, the school is providing you a service, but unless you had a contracted agreement where they are guaranteeing you a specific mark the case won't hold. It's ridiculous plus she didn't even do her hsc at...
Coles Induction did I get the job?
Hi I went to an interview for Coles today and the man said I will get a call about an induction on tues or monday... he said to buy black shoes and pants and to bring my TFN etc... does that mean I got the job
I was googling am i meant to do an online...
but it seems as if im going through a different process then people said they went through online :S when i googled things i sound really stupid now lol....
but yeah... i got doubt.. and it would be so misleading if they dont call .. :(
Coles Induction did I get the job?
Hi I went to an interview for Coles today and the man said I will get a call about an induction on tues or monday... he said to buy black shoes and pants and to bring my TFN etc... does that mean I got the job
I was googling am i meant to...