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  • Our teacher gave us 3 practice tests that she got from somewhere to do over the holidays and I did one the other night under test conditions because that's how i always do my stuff... 51% :/
    It's a shit mark, the guy that was beating me by 2% last year is now beating me by 10% and people I didn't even see as competition are beating me :/
    but i blame the fact that it was an assignment. I like tests better as well, I work better knowing I have to be done fairly quickly.
    I just checked and matrix gave me 81.2 based off my marks over the whole year and 83.6 for my trials lol.
    I did a model of the eye, for communication. Worst shit ever. Never again!

    No idea.
    Wherever :p
    Yeah... I don't think I'll be much help, I'm really rusty coz I didnt do maths for the whole holidays, i did a practice test the other day and got 43/84 lol
    yeah, i have no idea about computers, but i'd be able to learn it faster than most of the guys in sdd
    i fucked my bio assignment, did it the night before and it was a model :/ I got like 82.5% or something... It's like 8th or 9th :/
    I hate kids, but i only spoke to one, then went to a corner and stared at people, then the bell rang ^_^
    MBBS? I don't really know, but that's what I'm going for.
    Yeah, i do MX1 and chem and bio like you, but i dropped physics and advanced english. I was gonna do software, but it's on the same line as MX1
    It was pretty shit. I had two new teachers the first two periods coz my maths and bio teachers left.
    The teachers arent new, they're just new to me :p
    And it was so fucking hot, I wanted to kill myself
    and they gave us little brothers in year 7 but that was organised shitly, so i have no idea who mine is. :/
    and i fell asleep in english last period, but no one noticed, and i sit at the front :p
    Haha i just had it like last week. It was run by UNSW; we stayed at the Hunter Valley area for like 3 nights and went to places in the day. :)
    Lol I distinctly remember myself screaming and crying when my mum forced me to wear frilly dresses to church..... ;( And to think I just bought a dress LOL.. sad aint it.

    Haha you don't really need to know how to dance well.. just look at mainstream music vids nowadays and so many take place at a party with girls dancing.. just learn from them LOL..... (sort of joking but basically they are standing up and having their arms raised on either side of their heads and moving their asses right?)

    Um for me I go back on the 31st January..9am lol xD
    Haha I went shopping for a casual summer dress cos as I said.. I am sucha tom boy but I was like I should change and get a dress for once. so that is what I did. AND I HATE IT WHEN THERE ISN'T MY SIZE but really huge ones ;( So I ended up getting a dress that wasn't even discounted but then I got some sandals which were hella cheap like $10 ;DD

    Ohh curl your hair? Is your hair long? I cut mine... so I don't think short curly hair would look good for me.. but if you have long hair that'd look really nice. Maybe more like wavy would be real nice xD

    Ahhhh same I am so lazy. I might go take a run everyday soon... SOON.. ;S wish me luck for that. Swimming would be good if you wanna join a membership thing. But I think dancing would be better. It looks funner lol. Or you could just jog for like 20 min around an oval or as long as you can. I don't even think I could do 20 min.. I am SO unfit....
    Hmm I don't think so. That sounds like a prestigious camp.. haha I'm going to a engineering camp by unsw. So.. i don't think it is Lord Somer's hmmm. who knows XD

    Omg that sounds heaps fun with the ute! and of course bonding time with mother xD I did that too while preparing the massive lunch feast.. I think when you prepare food you don't really get that hungry by the time it comes to eat.. cos we had a pretty late lunch and i wasn't feeling it. ;( Still, ended up eating A LOT haha.

    NYE? probably won't go out ... I'll wait for next year when I can truly celebrate cos it'll be the end of high school and all. I'll probs just watch the fireworks on telly. What bout you? xD
    Bahaha last time I went I went to the wrong shops.. so they were all closed.. SUCH A WASTE OF TIME ;( But I won't make the same mistake lol.
    Haha yeah I wanna watch a lot of things but don't wanna fork out the money which I'd rather spend on clothes or even maccas lol. Though I think The fockers one looks really funny ;D I was sort of gonna go watch Tron but I'm not a huge sci-fi fan. Haha Social network, why not go to the city and watch it? probs still showing there. Social network looks funnier than Tron... lol. I don't think Tron is meant to be funny eh. seems full of action.

    I have no idea what dress I'll get. I'm such a tomboy.. i'll probs not go cos I don't wanna pick the wrong dress lol. What about you?? I'd laugh if I got a dress now and by the time the formal came round I was too fat to fit into it ;( .. actuall i wouldn't laugh but the thought now seems funny to me.
    Uuuuuuh notes. I'm actually trying to do that now.. it's quite boring really..... I was expecting it to be boring but not this boring. ;( I wish you luck though!

    Um well I'm just gonna go watch some more movies... I'll probs plan to see Tangled next. It's apparently the last movie Disney will make...? :O and I might go shopping for a formal dress. Then in second week of January I'm going on a camp. So yeah basically fun + making notes + assignments.

    And what's in store for you?? And how was your Christmas?
    Bahaha are you crazy? I rather sleep in!!!!! Which I did! :) hahaha well to me 8.30AM is considered a sleep in. And I think most of the Boxing Day sales are in the city .. which takes too much effort. I'm gonna go shopping like on Tuesday when most shops nearby are opened and hopefully bargains are still theree and the correct size clothing at that too haha.

    Ohhhh I see. Don't worry! Try your best for this year. That's what counts!!

    Assignments? Yes.. I was suppose to get a Chemistry and Physics assignment before the end of school but I don't know what happened, they either forgot/didn't write it up yet or just plain lazy? So I have to go check the school intranet during the holidays or something and see if they upload the assignment task... and if not SPAM THE TEACHERS' EMAILS.
    ;O Hi!!!! I thought everyone kinda left BOS cos it's all stuffed up ;(
    HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE hehehe. I just came back from some last minute Christmas shopping x.x the shops are packeeeeeeed.
    REPORT? ALREADY? wait is that the year 11 final report or the year 12...? o_o If it was only the year 11 one.. dw..... and if it's somehow the year 12 one (I thought it would be a little too early for the year 12 one) then.. yous till have time to pick yourself up and creep up behind those nerds ahead of you. I think I did pretty mediocre in my first round of year 12 assessments (the whole last week of school was dedicated to our very first yr 12 exams.. it was quite torturous) but.. I shall work my guts out for next year :)

    I've been goood. I lurve Christmas holidays. It's SO LONG hahaha. Have plans for the big day tomorrow? What have you been up to ??
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