Recent content by stagvampire

  1. stagvampire

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    Who else has my exact subjects please I need a friend to stress with... English Extension II and History Extension is actually so intensive, but it's all worth it :oldbiggrin: surely...just as long as I'm distanced from STEM at all times because I could not cope with maths advanced.
  2. stagvampire

    Also you should so use your sewing machine time is the only pressure, the sooner you start the...

    Also you should so use your sewing machine time is the only pressure, the sooner you start the sooner you'll be a fashion icon
  3. stagvampire

    I have no idea if its easy I'm also just a beginner but like surely it can't be that hard...

    I have no idea if its easy I'm also just a beginner but like surely it can't be that hard...
  4. stagvampire

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    I have a whole week-by-week study and reading schedule. I've got to stay on top of my HX and EXII major work readings, plus readings for EDV and EXI. I also have to complete my second VA case study because its self-directed. And I need to write my 1984 base essay. But other than that I'm...
  5. stagvampire

    Sewing is like being given god powers to create any outfit on Pinterest

    Sewing is like being given god powers to create any outfit on Pinterest
  6. stagvampire

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    woah I didn't know how bad assignments were for everyone, all I have this term is my hand-in English assignment and my ancient + modern source tests. Good luck everyone honestly. Also some of you have your EE2 viva voces this term? 😅
  7. stagvampire

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    Ancient in Week 9 + Modern in Week 10
  8. stagvampire

    Notion is my life, my love... :lol::cool2:

    Notion is my life, my love... :lol::cool2:
  9. stagvampire

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    I swear week 3 was like the most stressful week of feeling like nothing made sense
  10. stagvampire

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    actually surprisingly extension is a lot easier than advanced because the work load is less, there's just deeper analysis
  11. stagvampire

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    four hours after school, 6 hours on saturday + one hour of english on sunday. English everyday otherwise it piles up too quickly :,(
  12. stagvampire

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    who else is doing worlds of upheaval :)
  13. stagvampire

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    I love history and english so much I'm eating them up
  14. stagvampire

    feeling like a slay queen reviewing my notes with coffee before school ;)

    feeling like a slay queen reviewing my notes with coffee before school ;)