Who else has my exact subjects please I need a friend to stress with... English Extension II and History Extension is actually so intensive, but it's all worth it :oldbiggrin: surely...just as long as I'm distanced from STEM at all times because I could not cope with maths advanced.
I have a whole week-by-week study and reading schedule. I've got to stay on top of my HX and EXII major work readings, plus readings for EDV and EXI. I also have to complete my second VA case study because its self-directed. And I need to write my 1984 base essay. But other than that I'm...
woah I didn't know how bad assignments were for everyone, all I have this term is my hand-in English assignment and my ancient + modern source tests. Good luck everyone honestly.
Also some of you have your EE2 viva voces this term? 😅