Damn, everyone on here seems to have gotten really good marks - congrats everyone!
As for me,
VA - 96
BS - 94
Engrish - 93
EX1 - 46
Maths - 82
Physics - 79 (I was trying to gun it for a band five, damn physics, i was sooo close!)
Pretty happy with mine, I was surprised some of subjects ended...
If you have the resources and the passion - just do it. But yeah, the main thing is you have to remember it's an English film - not a normal film - everything has to mean something :P Do a youtube search and have a look at some (there's some with pretty high marks) and see if you can picture...
They don't tell anyone whether they've been selected until the day after/the day of the exam. They used to tell people before the VA theory exam but people got too excited/depressed and didn't study for it anymore or something like that... either way, everyone's still got a shot :)
I pretty much feel like the HSC is over now... I watched everyone celebrate today as they finished their last exam but us art kids have to wait around until Wednesday to finish...
Anyone feel the same? Anyone actually studying/started doing anything for art yet? What is there even to study...
Overall, not too bad (navigating the global). The essay question was easy, pretty much write your prepared essay. The narrative quote threw me off a bit though.. managed to stick the quote in but i'm not going to win points for integrating it amazingly lol.
Did people pick up on the "use the...
My essay is 1500 and creative is 1200... add a bit more for the stuff i write about the question and take away a bit i will inevitably forget and that adds up to... about 1500 for essay and 1200 for narrative lol
OH! I'm looking to get into the B communications media arts and production at UTS next year, haven't seen anyone else on the forum whose looking at media/communications. Guessing from your ATAR aim your looking at media com at usyd? I was looking at that before but decided 98.5 was a bit too...