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  • Hey,

    Yeah I went and I definetly reccommend you apply.
    Usually your teacher will give you an info sheet along with the form that was all the information I got.
    Basically though, they fly you to Sydney if yoyr not already there, where you'll stay at Dunmore Lang College for a week.
    What you do it sit through numerous lectures throughout the week with their prominent employees and guest speakers who will tell you about their job, pathways, skills required etc.
    The bonus though, is the number of contacts you will be able to make, if your doing Business Management this is the best thing for it.

    hope that helps, sorry I didn't have any links, if you just googled UBS though, they have an info page on the acadamy. Feel free to ask me anything you want to know though.
    Hey, I read in the Economics forum that you went to the UBS Finance Academy. I was wondering if you have any information on links on it because I cant find any and I'm thinking of applying for it this year.

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