guys stop laughing at my prior past, this is a serious matter
also hopefully my bio encourages some of u? I remember last year deriving (no small bit) of motivation to study from wanting a cool BoS bio
yes welcome to the life of a late yr12 student
it’s basically impossible to estimate ur atar exactly but i reckon you can get a pretty good idea (like within an atar point) by after trials - if u r being realistic
can’t we just sub the identity from (i) into (ii)?
so the thing in part two becomes:
= (2! - 1!) + (3! - 2!) + (4!! - 3!) + … + ((n - 1)! - n!) + (n! - (n-1)!) + ((n+1)! - n!)
= (n+1)! - 1
(all the terms cancel out except those two)
i don’t know why everyone is saying to do it. if ur aiming for med then u probably shouldn’t do it. i started sciX then dropped when i realised how much effort it required even to just pass and decided it wasn’t worth it (it was also my 13th yr12 unit).
at my school (top 10 selective) i think...
yea if the school says no to you for whatever reason just get ur parents to call or email the school. the school isn’t really allowed to stop you from doing advanced maths (or pretty much any subject). this method worked for me (for a different subject)
u probably shouldn’t just do 3u study. i (as a 4u student) didn’t study for 3u at all until after my 4u exam during the HSC block which i regret. did kinda bad on the 3u exam and should’ve studied more for it
the other option is to never study english and just do really well in everything else (despite the finishing returns) and still get a good atar
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+1 for handwriting them out
start off with the essay right next to you and try and minimise you looking at it (if you remember some of it already)
then on the next write up (or maybe the one after) flip the essay you're memorising upside down and only flip it over to look at it when you are...