Recent content by xfudgex

  1. X

    Does God exist?

    The poll is exactly even, i voted yes. This proves God exists.
  2. X

    Not being accepted into an extension course

    Talked to principal, she said send her a letter and she will consider it. What would be essential things to include in it? Today I found out that I had beaten (in the yearly) at least one or two people who were accepted into hist ext. I do not want to be antagonised by the history department...
  3. X

    Not being accepted into an extension course

    again how sure are you? At the begining of the year they are like people who get over 80% can get in. If i get over 80% and am rejected then do i have a valid complaint?
  4. X

    Not being accepted into an extension course

    Re: Not being accepted into a extension course got any evidence? from website or anything?
  5. X

    Not being accepted into an extension course

    Re: Not being accepted into a extension course whats "the award"
  6. X

    Not being accepted into an extension course

    english extension has 10-15 (2 or three classes of this), maths ext1 has like 100 kids (4-5 classes), eng ext 2 has 30 in one class (next year), maths ext2 has 80 (probably 2-3-4 for next year) ALL of them except history accepted anyone who wanted to do it. all i want to do is; tell them i...
  7. X

    Not being accepted into an extension course

    How can 12 or 8 be a max for a class? What the hell? They virtually told me if I do it anyways at the end of all this that I am doomed to get a low mark??? They think that I will not improve and my year 11 marks are going to be my HSC marks??? I'll tell the principal but I need to know what...
  8. X

    Not being accepted into an extension course

    are you 100% sure on this? because from the way they talk they make it seem like it is. anyways will check up on it, do you have any links?
  9. X

    Not being accepted into an extension course

    marks aren't horrible, i am coming very good in other subjects which are heavily essay writing based (english, ext1 etc)
  10. X

    Not being accepted into an extension course

    I am in year 11. My school is ranked 20-30 and is a public selective school. I recently applied to get into History extension but was declined because my writing standard was "of a not high enough standard". I haven't even gotten my marks back for my major investigation project for ancient...