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  • Yeah exactly. And it's not like they're complete dumb fucks. Aryan is pretty smart, why's he in general?
    I wish i could go around expelling people :p (would take away like 80% of the schools population)
    Haha yeah fuck man i <3 em. It's like they don't know what it's like not to shout.
    Yeah i know who you're talking about. Mind if i mention names?
    Yeah true. Studies just aren't for some kids. As long as you've got a girl, some money, friends and kids what more could you want with life imo (in my subjective opinion ofc :p)

    Anyways they're not as bad as some of the other guys.
    Haha fk they're hillarious.
    Lol yeah, like what? We aren't that weird haha (maybe me and a couple of other guys).
    Haha man that's dog. Anyways it's not too hard to make it to uni these days. Basically anyone can get in.
    Yeah ikr. Though lol the shit they do is pretty funny aye (the lebos haha and the 'asian street gang'). Sounds like a pretty cool plan m8. May also go out for new years.
    Haha yeh i hang out with those fags in the western grass :p Gonna miss all this after HS aye :( (prolly only see these guys once a couple of months at most)

    Oh yeah before i forget, reps2g is Karl. (add him brah)
    Haha time dialation mass dialiation. Makes you a little dizzy when you first learn it. And Jurd only says that cos he wants more good students so he can get moar b5's and 6's. Lol nah man i've procrastinated like hell haha. Went out also a little. You?

    Btw lol. I've just realised that this is probably the most i've talked to you in my life haha. Never talk much at school aye.
    Yeah none of the physics teachers are particularly inspiring. And that's another other reason why i don't wanna drop phys haha. Best to be safe.
    But if it doesn't take too much of your time studying then i'd keep it either way.
    I guess it's not so much as 'not interesting'. It's just that some of the concepts take time and effort to get. None of which i'm bothered to put in haha
    Yeah, so lucky i've got the option of dropping. You gonna drop anything?
    Lol damn that's far. And i dun wanna get bashed (nah jokes, blacktown isn't that bad). Shame though.
    I've never really been interested in it either way lol. May just end up dropping it. Will see...
    Yeah, a lot of exam-style questions in there.
    Wow that is quite fast haha. Mind if i ask where you go?
    Yeah it's alright i guess in terms of explanations but most of the questions are only the easy ones in the actual HSC exam.
    Imo Terry > Fitz > batshit > cambridge.

    Yeah exactly (especially with the trig/exp/log graphs)!

    Umm yeah, this asian place in bwood (Harry's is its name if you care). Not too bad. He rushes a little but that'll happen everywhere. Also his questions and analysis are really something you wouldn't get in school. (and that's what i'm really looking for)
    Umm fitzpatrickl. Not as good as 3u and 2u fitz. Luckily i've got Terry Lee and a soft copy of Cambridge. Ha is using Terry Lee right?
    Yeah true, that's bloody annoying as well. Heaps of content in maths is interelated so if we haven't done one bit then we're fucked. That's what screwed me over with graphs as well.

    You gonna go any tutor or you just learning off your dad?
    Hahaha crap, i was thinking "wtf this kid is a machine" (well you still are but lol).
    Yeah, sometimes i doubt they've thought through the whole course (like shouldn't we have done binomial with perms and combs?). Wth!
    I dunno man. It's probably be best just to consolidate graphs and complex. I've finished only just finished consolidating and i had a pretty big headstart. Up to you.
    Though teaching yourself a couple of 2/3 unit topics doesn't sound too bad aye.
    Unfortunately you cannot do Advanced Maths, then specialise in Actuarial studies. And for my course, the guy:girl is about 2:1
    Yeh. Just stay at the top ranks, and they won't affect you. And that's what i hate about our school. The marks are very polarised. Fml.
    We must get back into the top ~70!!! (otherwise Jurd will be crying himself to sleep)
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