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  • HAHA I did mine without footnotes to start with and got to 741 :D but I dunno... I feel so unsure LOL I'll be content with 3/10 :L
    Yeah same! I just c b f with all the tute questions ! I fall asleep in my tutorials... seriously gay. The red kinda faded out, now its like brownish :L I should be easy to spot LOL its really spiky.
    Yeah I think you're right... the law guys seem so competitive and "up there" intellectually :L the science guys are pretty cool, coming from a similar background to me! The law guys are all from ruse, hornsby etc so I feel so out of place!
    I asked to be put on the waiting list but I didn't get it LOL. Heyyy that means you're there now! Hope you have a blast :D
    Lol! I'm up to 300ish words.... mental block blargh.
    I did okay with the computer exams but these lecturers are so damn boring I haven't touched chemistry since problem set 1 LOL
    I missed out on tickets! They sold out so damn fast I was so devo when I learnt they were sold out :(
    LOL I'm John! Asian guy, red hair etc. I don't really know anyone from law, my friends are all science people :L
    Sup! I've been good, wbu? Haven't started the court report yet... and this Rydberg crap goes over my head but other than that I guess I'm fine :LL hbu?
    Wow same here. Before the ATAR's came out I never gave law a second thought... but now I'm pretty happy with my choices.

    Hmm not really, I'm gonna see what my friends might want to go to and yeah. Although some seem kinda interesting (like most of the ones in red) but I'm not too sure yet. I suppose attending them would only lead to good things so I'm more inclined to go.

    It takes about... 40 minutes all up? One train then a bus. Can't complain though, at least its not like Macquarie or UWS :L

    And yeahhh HIMYM is legen ... wait for it ... dary!
    Lmfao! Looks like you learned a valuable lesson then :L

    Haha my parents are pretty sweet about everything, they'd be happy with whatever I decided to do with my life.. but they were ecstatic when I decided to do law! Your parents must have been super happy too !

    Mm yeah we should meet up :D If you look at this link (http://booking.online.unsw.edu.au/booking/ebooking.main?p_session=VscyirQgsJJWXVF) you can see when all the various events are... science is a day before law so we can make it to both :D

    What a coincidence! I was actually planning to watch Harry Potter but I decided to go with How I Met Your Mother instead :L
    Haha AAA is pretty awesome, I didn't appreciate it until I realised what I can do with it!

    Oh wow that sounds pretty bad ... I'd be shit scared if I was young and I stole money from my parents and they found out :LLL

    Ooooh I see, I came when I was like 5 and the residual Korean left in me allows me to converse with others with ease :D I guess I'm lucky haha. I've met plenty of people who can't speak their native language and yeah they all say it sucks especially when it would come in super handy (notice on wall written in chinese or something).

    Exactly a month to go for Law O-week! I hope it turns out to be awesome.
    Haha nah, strangely enough the girl who came 3rd got the highest in our year with like 98.9 or something! She's gonna be doing comm/law as well. I got in with the AAA (I got 96.7) so I suppose I got lucky haha. The girl who came first got 97, not too sure what she'll be doing.

    Guess the inner bogan is trying to escape! Better control that eager beast :L Aww sucks that they're gone, my friends sold all their cards including a bunch of rare cards and made a hefty profit which is pretty sweeet.

    Haha well I think the new generation is changing that! I rarely see any coffee stores with more white people than asians so yeah. I guess it is pretty bitter at first...

    I'm Korean. Wbu?
    Nahhh I missed out on dux by one subject :( Some girl did all humanities with an extra subject (I did 10 units) but oh wellssss :LL

    Well tbh pubs aren't that great fun, its just a chill place with people drinking and gambling... but its not bad either.

    Lmfao! It's okay, tomboy's are pretty awesome (Y) I never actually bought real yugioh cards, I think I just got a bunch of fake cards from Paddys LOL! You guys should ask if she still has them and sell them off to naive youngerlings >:]

    Eww tea is just... bleh. Leaves this weird feeling in my mouth so I hate it with a passion. Coffee ftw ! Asians are supposed to love their coffee, what happened to you ! Haha kidding :LLLL

    Essential maybe... but productive only sometimes :L

    Andddd I was out at night, got home at 4 and wasn't sleepy so I hopped on the comp. Late nights all the way.
    Haha nah I went to a pretty shitty school (ranked in the 400's) so yeah... Lots of non-Asians :L

    Enjoy innocence? As if the world of the 18yrolds doesn't tempt you >:)

    Must have been hard teaching yourself... I probably would have given up :L

    Hmm dessert ? It'll probably look like... I dunno you might be right :L

    Because DBZ is a guy anime ! Chicks are meant to watch like Sailor Moon or something :L Yu-Gi-Oh was pretty fun too I had loads of fun playing with those cards when I was young.

    Sometimes it is kinda tough having only a few hours of sleep... But coffee always helps :D

    Yeah... Eating is indeed a very productive thing to do ... >.> loljks.
    There were plenty of oompa loopmas in my year so I've grown accustomed to them :L

    It's so much better being 18 ... all these places you were once restricted to are now open! Bars, pubs, RSL's etc. haha.

    Most of my friends only did one science... I only had one close friend who did chem and bio. Chem and physics was really popular though!

    Haha it was a spur of the moment thing but I've decided to keep it and add brown streaks to it. Yeah I'm totally girly when it comes to hair ... (no homo) Wow you're the first girl I've met who's actually admitted to watching dbz! Haha that's pretty awesome. And everyone at UNSW probably don't need to gym, those stairs probably keep everyone fit and in shape :L

    Yeah I know right! Some 2U stuff was quite hard as a 4U student ... although I kind of miss having to write pages of working out to prove something equals 0 :LL

    Anddd yeah. Got a few hours in bed, more than enough to get me going today!
    Haha I guess 164 is pretty good for an asian... yeah I was thinking oompa loompa hahaha ! I look young as well... everyone who checks my ID is like "is this thing even real?" -_-

    I did just bio and chem. Wbu?

    It'll be super easy to spot me, my hair is bleached yellow :L I doubt anyone else would have my kind of hair! My law lec starts at 9 (I'm a morning person so I pushed most my classes early in the morning) and goes til 11, which gives me an hour to walk up those nasty stairs and to the chem lecture :L.

    I know what you mean! I was helping out some younger friends with 2U differentiation and integration and I realised I needed to kinda think about it... shocking as I did 4U maths :L And my handwriting is... lets not even go there. I feel this break is wayyyyy too long... So I want to make the most of it ! :L 5 weeks is still pretty long, hopefully I can work and save up money to spend during uni.

    Aww thanks. Same goes to you! I'm sure we'll do great as sci/law students :D
    Ahh whoops double post sorry !

    Haha why? Are you like.. short or something :L Kiddinggg but yeah. The whole 'going into a new environment feeling from year 7' does creep back to me too.

    I also thought babs was a ridiculous name, it should be something awesome like bios or something :( looking through, it looks like HSC Bio which should also be pretty sweet !

    Law's my first class on the 27th, I'm looking forward to that ! I've also got an hour to get to the Chem lecture at 12... I guess I should also go early and mark my territory (no peeing involved)

    And yeah... HD sounds like you need 99+ for every exam TT hopefully it's achievable.
    I'm also really excited for the whole new atmosphere uni will be... the feeling of being a tadpole in the pond once again. Scary but worth being excited for.

    Out of the few times I've visited UNSW, I've yet to visit the library! I hope that its awesome enough to kill time there. And the wifi is just an added bonus ! Sounds awesome already.

    I suppose you're right, science is pretty sweet seeing as the broad spectrum it covers can be applied to many different occupations as long as you're looking and trying hard enough.

    Looks like my courses are a bit different except chem; I'm doing babs1201, math1041 and chem 1011! Not too sure but I think the lectures are joint for chem, its going to be overwhelming sitting in such a massive auditorium full of new faces.

    Haha future HD'er? :D
    I'm also really excited for the whole new atmosphere uni will be... the feeling of being a tadpole in the pond once again. Scary but worth being excited for.

    Out of the few times I've visited UNSW, I've yet to visit the library! I hope that its awesome enough to kill time there. And the wifi is just an added bonus ! Sounds awesome already.

    I suppose you're right, science is pretty sweet seeing as the broad spectrum it covers can be applied to many different occupations as long as you're looking and trying hard enough.

    Looks like my courses are a bit different except chem; I'm doing babs1201, math1041 and chem 1011! Not too sure but I think the lectures are joint for chem, its going to be overwhelming sitting in such a massive auditorium full of new faces.

    Haha future HD'er for chem ? :D
    Yeah I agree.. I guess going 5 days a week isn't so bad since it gives us an excuse to go to the city everyday! :D Also its something we'll enjoy, not something we'd have to slave ourselves over which is also another bonus.

    10pm finish sounds horrible. I never knew uni was even open at that time haha :L

    Haha I gotta admit material science sounded pretty interesting to study (production of materials was my favourite topic in HSC Chem... although biopolymers sucked since we had to memorise a slab of information -_-) but I dunno... I kinda want to study something that will easily relate to law and also something I'm personally so boom. Pharmacology seemed like the best choice.

    I guess you'll be able to learn over time whether or not its the right major for you (what courses are you taking ?) as CHEM1011 seems like its going to be HSC Chem all over again.

    And I'm in the inner west, don't know if it counts as the west side haha :L
    Haha same I also did commerce in year 9 which led to business studies in year 11.. which I dropped very quickly. Terrible terrible.

    Mmm yeah the rain was pretty bad today but I think its starting to heat up again (where I am anyway)

    And I got the marks for law and decided to give it a go... hopefully it turns out to be fun and interesting! I was thinking of a pharmacology major but I'm still unsure. Luckily most majors have the same stage 1 subjects haha. Wbu ?
    Totally agree with you, never liked commerce. Hopefully law turns out to be captivating!

    I suppose it hasn't been too bad... but the sun midday is usually been hell. Nakie time it is :X
    Yeah I know right! The commerce kids get like 3 days and their rooms are close together whereas we get 5 days and our lectures are like at opposite ends of the school -_- summer is going to be terrible.
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