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  • It's alright...why does it say you're offline when you're replying to my messages? =/

    I love how you just called me a total bitch, that is awesome! XD Apparently it a defense mechanism, according to my sister....she thinks I'm truly a sensitive person who is just very selfish. Meh, I don't know....I know when I made her cry, I felt really bad even though she was just being a real jerk to eh, I don't know lol but I find it interesting to see how people interpret my personality. :p

    Anyway, you have any idea when this next gay meeting is gonna be?
    And wait....all the stuff I wrote has returned miraculously.....oh well, more for you to read and you get to hear my dribble TWICE!!!!

    Haha, hypocritical of me much? XD You make me feel guilty for getting openly repulsed by your affectionism, because your response to me is so know, as opposed to telling me "fuck you, asshole" you tell me the opposite. XD
    I'll say it again anyway:

    Yes, you may be....overaffectionaite haha but I like you at the same time partially because of it. Unlike most people who are overaffectionaite, you are actually genuine....the fact you sent me the movies over the mail proves that. Nicest thing ANYONE who has meet me once has done for me. I should be more grateful, but I really am just envious, bitter and self-centered. :p So even though I may pick on you for it, I also like you for your kindness and am probably just angry that I couldn't be as nice as you are :)
    Haha you replied before I finished editing my post! XD....I always edit my post for 5-10 minutes before I leave it alone.....I actually wrote something very long, and very nice and I don't see it anymore! =/
    The fact that you took the time to send that CD to me over the mail proves it...that is like, the sweetest thing that someone I've only met in person once has done for me, you have to be a INSANELY nice person to go through the effort and I appreciate that, and really should be more grateful for it but I'm such an envious and selfish person. But're a sweet guy so even if I pick on you for your over-affectionate self, I also like the fact that you're genuinely nice..and perhaps I'm just bitter that I am not that nice naturally haha...but really, that mosquito thing made me go "Oh my gooddd....duuuuuude!" XD

    You know, I actually better recheck what dribble means......
    Hahahaha I am so, so sorry but.....but really, your reaction to Jacob's mosquito bites was this:

    Oh sweetie, you poor thing, come here, *hugs and holds Jacob in a long, deep embrace*

    How can you NOT cringe!?!?!?!.....XD

    Awww but sweetie, your extreme levels of....I don't know what you'd call it, bigheartedness? Affectionessism? You know what I mean lol, it's the reason you have friends, and I don't lol. You've even befriended me with this kindness of yours, even though it can make me cringe when you go into that kind of melodramatic is also WHY I like you in the first place, because unlike most people who act like that, it is genuinely who you are. :)
    *cries* I'm all covered in mosquito bites, and I have to do my economics exam tomorrow hung over :[
    Hahaha feel free. I actually think it's the worst of the three, but I'm glad you like it :p
    Hahahaha any time love.
    Thanks ^__^ I have to force myself to write a full orchestra one next, or I'm never going to get any better >__<
    oh its nothing now. my bestfriend was a homophobe,

    but now shes not and im basically open on fb so yay
    thanks anyways
    :D I'll email you my compositions so far :]

    To be honest, love. I wont know 100% untill that morning.
    that's kinda how my family works :/

    I know love, and me too. I miss you muchly.
    Cant wait to cuddle with you and just laze around with you, chatting.

    Even if we ever end up not together, i'll always be someone you can be yourself and be relaxed around. I'll always love you for just that, too: being yourself.
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