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  • Pretty far west of Sydney.

    It's pretty much the border between the Blue Mountains and Sydney.
    If all goes accordingly, I'll do my utmost to get there.

    My girlfriend is apprehensive, though, so she'll probably be tagging along.
    Haha, I'm a chronic procrastinator at the best of times.
    Usually at about 1am I hit a point where I just get down to it. It happened at 5am this time.
    Only because someone else was handing it in at uni.
    Cool, sounds fun :D
    I'm finding it fairly good atm, there's a lot to learn and although it's very detailed, it's not particularly complicated which is good.
    Only thing is that some of the big assessments due next week I haven't really started yet xD.
    Are you liking engineering in spite of the workload?
    Yeh, weekends are really all I get as far as decent sleep is concerned.
    Nothing planned as yet but I'll just be glad to be without the pressure of tons of assessments for a few weeks, lol.
    You doing anything?
    Hmm, not a great deal tbh.
    Just an endless wave of assessment tasks :(
    But at least that's going to subside until next semester soon :D

    What about you?
    In civil I'm tossing up between construction and structural, and in commerce finance or actuary depending on how well I go in Maths.

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