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  • Thankyou townie for taking me off your super super slow punishment list xD bos is back to normal! Either that or Jake is better than I thought and already sexes you up.. Hmmm o__O lol

    :3 Jake Delivers!
    Elephant is waiting here for you in my backyard.
    I'll bring him when I next see you. He's from india :]

    Cuddles, are also waiting here, though not in the backyard, and not from india,

    Sexist Joke: Austrialia now has a woman for Prime Minister! She must be really brilliant to be able to run a country from the kitchen! :D

    Amusing fact: synonymically speaking, Kevin Rudd was thrown out of a window! Thank you Prague and your solution to corrupt politics :D

    All my love: oh wait... you already have it :D
    Oh, okay then, that works out well :]
    Btw, i was suggesting by 'precious' that you were being delicate,
    I was just making sure that you weren't going to tell me that it didn't matter to you if it did.

    Yup, that's definately something that should happen in the near future. I agree.

    :] Will make sure to send you one.
    Whenabouts would you like it.
    Not while you're at dinner, I assume.

    :p Yessir!
    Promise to ensure that Friday remains free, no matter what.
    and if it somehow doesn't, I'll ditch whatever it is to come :]

    I don't want Mo to die after all!

    Ack... >___< Bastard!
    *shakes fist*
    No, that's alright sweetheart.

    Awwwww *glomps*
    You're adorable sometimes...
    I'm sorry for not being very contactable (yet again)
    What do you say I make it up to you by giving you a pet elephant?
    and some cuddles, a sexist joke, an amusing fact, and all my love?

    Yeah, that sounds right.
    Though if it does really mean a lot to you,
    I can probably make it to both, just will be quite painful.
    (P.S. Don't be precious with this, love, if it means a fair bit to you, then just say so, k?)
    No, that's alright sweetheart.

    Awwwww *glomps*
    You're adorable sometimes...
    I'm sorry for not being very contactable (yet again)
    What do you say I make it up to you by giving you a pet elephant?
    and some cuddles, a sexist joke, an amusing fact, and all my love?

    Yeah, that sounds right.
    Though if it does really mean a lot to you,
    I can probably make it to both, just will be quite painful.
    (P.S. Don't be precious with this, love, if it means a fair bit to you, then just say so, k?)
    yeah, no, I'm awful on the phone lol.

    it was pretty much, an "i love you". an "I miss you",
    an appology for not being contactable over the weekend,
    a celebration of being on holidays, and thus, able to see you more often
    an informing that my mobiles broken,
    a suggestion that we hang out tomorrow or on thursday,
    snd then some more love :]
    It was fun, I formed a band of minstrels, and we did bring such revelry and music upon that field that even the heaviest of hearts were lifted :]
    alright. Sleep tight sweetheart.
    It has been far too long.
    It was lovely to hear from you again :]
    You dirty old pervert ^___^

    hahahaha, you make me feel like such a nerd.
    I now don't have a single porn vid, only about 30 fave pics or so, and a buhzillion games :p
    Nah, it's worth it. it's good fun, I'd do it for free. To be honest, I almost do XD
    Oh, it's a fair bit longer than that. Hahahaha when they run out of things to talk about (a rare occasion, they set up the instruments in the car :p)

    Uh huh... sure...

    I LOVE the sims!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
    XD not necessarily an analogy that works for a masochist...

    you kidding? I LOVE your insanity :p
    Nah, I'm awful at them.
    Yeah, sorry about that. It's just not part of the package :p
    :p you certainly do ^___^

    Sounds like a good philosophy. Pretty much how i live life lol.
    though somehow I dont' think you have it in you not to get your hopes up :p

    Ick... I pity you muchly. Except for the whole boose, transport and bludging thing :p
    Hahahaha Ours was cunning...
    technically, it is optional, however, we have an assessment task due the next day, and that means that you must be accounted for on all school days before it, as you could be skipping school to get an unfair advantage in having many more hours to work on the task than everyone else in the year, so essentially, you go to the athletics carnival, or you get a doctors certificate to prove your whereabouts. Sneaky bastards.

    Something warm... I won't even comment on that... >. >

    Hahahaha good boy ^___^

    We load it up into one car, and drive up there, I set up, I get to soundcheck, they play, then we haul it all back into the car, and drive back. Usually sleep in the car. It's one hell of a drive, but it's never been boring so far. It's surprising how good a jam sesh you can have in the car XD the drummer gets in the boot - thing. It's one of those dodgey cars where the boot is like part of the cabin.
    *shrug* alright.
    But no presents of any description to me for a long time, got it?

    Hahahaha if by glossy and full of promise, you mean two more assignments, an athletics carnival and another warning letter, sure.

    lets put it this way... It will be nice once the week ends and I can see you again.
    It's alright sweetheart. Been a hard week on the both of us.

    You sure sweetheart?
    sounds a bit piss-weak on my behalf lol.
    Then again, I guess I've demanded no (more) presents.
    Hahaha It amuses me how you can get yourself to such a state and then worry about me :p
    I'm fine sweetheart, we're fine, just make sure YOU'RE fine.

    I worry about the seemingly endless time that I'm not able to be there to babysit your pedo-ass :D
    so yeah, look out for yourself for me sweetheart, I make a habit of always being in a good frame of mind, so you really don't have to worry about me.
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