^__^ As much as I hate to admit it, it's sorta true,
He's adorable when he's all missey and demanding
Hahahaha nah, I think he can be fairly confident that I'm not going to be leaving him for a girl

I stole her stockings and skirt and danced around in the Museum of Contemporary Art

eventually got kicked out, because the security guard thought I was being serious when I grabbed her and slammed her against a wall and started yelling at her and the guy she was talking to, claiming that she was sleeping around, hahahaha the guy was sooooo terrified of me, I was all like "What the fuck are you doing you sly cunt, get your paws of my girl before I detesticulate you, you fucking cum-rag" in a cockney accent then I pretended to slap Julia, and dragged her out to the lobby by her shirt XD eventually, we found the guy and gave him a sandwhich hug and told him we were joking, and that we were sorry lol. It was such a mean thing to do, but Oh, so funny