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  • But like realism is important. Bugs like glitches and random stuff happening. You know, stuff that goes against you.
    Well if you want Gandhi declaring war on you or Genghis Khan wanting peace then go for it. Overall, it's nice but minor bugs annoy the hell out of me.
    I remember DS had an introductory offer of $60 before they jacked it to $100. Now, first time it's gone back down again.
    I hope so. I'm sure you'll do great in university, you sound like a very knowledged person.
    I'm not sure, last time I checked they were selling for ~$70.

    Too much troll in this world.
    Lol try the interwebz then, I'm sure even slow internet can load a DS page! =P

    Come to think of it, P&C are pretty troll too.
    Lol, get one of them catalogues and look for store locations. =)

    They're all bad imo!

    Troll then, just turn off notifications in FB.
    Nice, nice, though DS might be cheaper.

    Now I think about it the C stands for Citizens...but they're not good citizens if they steal all the money now do they?

    Either a really likeable guy or a troll.
    Get it from Game or Dick Smith, they're having discounts! Trust me, you'll love it. =P

    FFFUUU P&C people; half the people there aren't even parents. >_>
    Yes, C: IV is MUCH better! Oh why can't you get over the space thingies and get SC2 already! =P

    Funnily enough, we're pretty poor. Most of the money our school makes somewhat disappear into the hands of the dodgy P&C. >_>
    A-what?! *Sigh you and your unrealism. =_

    Ah, pretty much our entire school (except us o_O) have laptops.
    Yeah, me too. Although I came first in economics I really hated writing essays. English essays are okay but economics essays are so dull and boring.
    No, it's just that in V Gandhi ordered total annihilation of my empire and I was like "WTF dude you're a pacifist" >_>

    Usually it's just Year 12 vs Year 10 at my school. Pretty even me thinks.

    And I have no idea. =P
    Well you might be surprised about what you're going to like. When I was in year 10 and i had to pick subjects for year 11 I didn't get the subjects that I wanted to do. I acutally wanted to do history, software design and development and visual arts, but I got stuck with chemistry, physics and economics. I actually didn't like these subjects at first but I gradually got good at these subjects and now I'm enjoying it a lot.
    Probably IV? I know V's crap because it's unrealistic but if you like that sort of stuff then hey why not?

    Although it can be awkward when you get killed in CS and they were watching how noob you were the whole time. =P

    And who invented the printing press may I ask? =P
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