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  • You don't even know me, so how are you supposed to know who I like?
    *sighs* Jeez... trolls these days are so sad.
    Why don't YOU ask him out to boost his confidence. It's obvious you care for him a lot if you're trying to troll someone to go out with him.

    I'm a tutor at TZ Tutoring - I just wanted to let you know that TZ Tutoring just made a site called tztutoring dot org and they have uploaded ALL these resources for people so go on and download!!!!

    it's similar to wwhat bored of studies used to look like but these have been marked by teachers and reviewed etc

    it's really good! and all for free cause they want to help students!
    um im good.

    that was my gf meilz92 who posted that on ur page, apparently she got into my account last night :/
    heyy thats pretty cool. seems like your town/area has a lot of culture :) thats cool
    how did you go in the hsc? how were your marks?
    armidale ohh thats far from sydney. I dont know if my parents would allow me to move. see its only like a 1 hour drive to UWS from sydney to there. how far is it from sydney? 83 eh? thats not bad, not bad at all actually. Yeah USyd and UNSW are just like OMG noo way
    i was initially aiming for sydney uni but the atar is waaay too high for that or UNSW or macquarie or UTS even. So now i am aiming for UWS. If they offer me a scholarship for the 5 year period then i will stay there and then do my masters of law/commerce at sydney uni. I dont mind what my atar is as long as it is enough to get into UWS for law. UNE is a pretty good uni :)
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