My teachers decided to move half of my exams, one of them which is a week earlier now. So now I have basically all my exams in one week including English and math. And I have an exam after English, so I don't even have time to take a break. Basically like an exam block
I've been so unproductive in all my classes today. I'm really cooked for everything especially DT because I haven't being doing anything for my project
I don't understand why I'm literally failing english and math. Especially math. Like I have never failed a math test before until this week. I literally got A's and B's last year. This year was supposed to be my academic comeback year but that doesn't seem to be going too well. I think my math teacher is slowly making my brain cells disappear cause my grades in math are actually not ok
Everything that happened today has left me feeling defeated. I’m literally reconsidering all my life decisions and my career aspirations. I think I’m just dumb
Motivation and productivity has really being lacking this past week. Last week was so much better. I need to lock the fuck in especially for bio because I’ve literally forgotten the functions of half the cell organelles and haven’t been bothered to remember it
I have decided to start a small business, something that I have been wanting to do for many years but haven’t gotten around to. Maybe like custom tote bags, hair bows, water bottles, etc. Or should I do like a calendar or planner or something. What do u guys think?
My social life is basically non-existent right now. Like the only places I'm going is school and that's pretty much it. Someone please suggest some things I can do
I had the weirdest dream last night. I had a dream that me and my classmates from my primary school were taking an English exam while we were all sitting on the toilet!!!
Reports are so rigged!! I got my report the other day and my yearly average for geography was 87% which is an A but my teacher gave a B. And for English I know some people who got straight C’s in exams but got a B and some people who got b’s in exams that got a C.
my report for semester 2 was so much worse than semester 1. Even worse than any report I’ve gotten in high school