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Core Study Practice Tests

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The attached document is a set of practice papers and tests prepared by myself, able to be used for your own preparation for the Core Study topic, Power and Authority in the Modern World 1919-1946, in case you don't want to use the Core Study sections in the HSC or the Trial papers just yet.

There are 5 tests with accompanying source booklets, all developed by me (who ranked first in Modern History in a top selective school) throughout my HSC year, echoing the type of questions that would be asked in the Trials and the HSC. The first three are general tests testing different parts of the syllabus with different source skills. The last two are solely focused on the contents of final dot-point, The search for peace and security 1919-1946; this is because when doing the Core topic in Term 1 2023, my internal assessment was a source test based only on this syllabus section and thus I created test papers around this part alone.

All the questions have been based off of actual HSC/Trial questions. Moreover, all the sources are legitimate and have been taken from various places - mainly from my source textbooks and my resources/handouts given to me from my teacher but also the internet.

The Core Study source test was always the topic that I always lost a significant amount of marks in and found the hardest in terms of getting full marks, however I have found that doing these papers and peer marking them with my classmates was ultimately how I was able to attain the highest mark for that source test assignment in Term 1, and never got below a mark of 23/25. I hope these will be helpful to you the same way they were helpful to me. Am open to suggestions if anyone would like me to post up what I'd consider sample answers to these tests.
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