Yeah i know the question makes sense i just cant work out a response that makes sense its just a stupid question and i hate it and i hate my teacher for giving it to us and its just annoying me. *breathes out*
Food Technology especially since its done by distance education. I dont have to do a half yearly for it though thank god. Also kinda regret retail coz it gets so boring all thought its easy to get good marks in
I officially hate english! This essay question sucks so im not going to do it. 'To what extent has studying the concept of physical journeys expanded you understanding of yourself, of individuals and the world?' It doesnt even make sense. And since it was taken from the 2002 HSC paper i think...
Our year advisor gives us supoort, if we have any probles at home or school or the stress is getting too much he is someone we can talk to just to get it off our chests. Last year i had heaps of issues and he really helped me through them. A year advisor should also be giving information about...
1st choice is newcastle coz i wanna move away from my family n prove to them that i can b independant and they have the course i wanna do. 2nd choice UNE coz its not that far away from home if i chicken out.
i thought 2nite was a rather boring ep. I ended up talking to my brother on the phone. The recap helped pick up anything i missed which wasnt much. Next week should b good thou.
She is only coming back to the character some real closure n to sum up the whole baby situation.
Katya moved from erinsborough n talk a job somewhere else soemtimes u hear of zeke n rachel visiting her. But she isnt on air anymore
Today was actually a good day. Business studies went sooo slow but i finally understand financial ratios which is a good thing. Got English assessment marks back today 17/25..not too bad better than i thought id do. Changed maths classes today love being in the so class i actaully seem smarter...
That is a awesome song but it goes for so long. Anything by JT is good still not over Sexyback which is rare for me coz im usually over a song after a week or 2