The main argument of atheists is lack of reason/evidence to believe in god. The rest is all background static.
Its Funny though, how so much of the bible is interpreted as metaphor, yet the main character is thought to be real.
She is not committing a strawman fallacy at all, theists in this...
You didn't see the irony that your post was useless itself?
Seriously the Generic "lets all just get along" bullsh^t posts are annoying, don't post if you wont be a productive member of a debate, if you feel that it's a pointless debate, in that case there is even less reason to post.
Nice, though you should trade in assassin's creed and cod 3 for either Cod4 or 5, Fallout 3, fable 2 or gears of war 2.
Personally i got fallout 3, always loved the post nuclear war setting.
Btw anyone having problems logging in on live?
I have no problem with you simply not having the time due to exams, dismissing me as a ignorant child was uncalled for.
I'll definitely buy your book though.
Don't see why you dismissed me as a year 11 though, if its because I'm young and foolish and what not, than perhaps instead dismissing me as a ignorant fool, you should enlighten me show me my ways are wrong.
Then maybe i might grow up to be big, strong conservative like you.
A personal...
Me personally the only thing that kept me theist was Pascals wager, then i realized believing something out of fear on missing out on an infinite award was stupid
and god isnt omnipotent after all can he make a rock so massive that he cant move himself.
Yes, circular reasoning, Bible says God is real, Bible is correct because it is the word of God. Perfectly logical amirite?
A question to you.
Why do you not believe in the Koran? i hear people say its the word of God too.
and the good ole' you never experienced god argument, lowest of the...