I was so bloody happy! They deserved to win, definitely.
I was reading more stuff on it, and apparently Ray asked Yolanda to marry him on the reunion-type show and she said yes.
Hmmm... they didn't look like they would make a good married couple.
Would you even consider using this anyway? I mean, questing is part of the fun of the game. And doing it this way, even if you get to 60, you'll be a pretty nooby 60 =P
Omg I hope not x_x I thougth they were cute at first.. but then they turned out to be annoying.
Hippies 4eva! XD
I don't mind the frat boys winning though. For some reason I don't mind them.
Wow I totally screamed when they got to stay in the race. Go the hippies!!
I bet none of the other teams are gonna give them money.
Fran and Barry turned evil.
I was so happy when they said they were gonna release FFXII on PS2.. cuz I was scared they it would be for PS3.
I bought PS2 just so I could play FFX hahaha.
Re: Economics Marathon - The 2006 Version
- Increased unemployment in the short term as inefficient industries fail to compete with foreign competitors.
- Fall in level of domestic production in the short term.
- Developing or new industries may find it difficult to become established in a...